alpha under restraint

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here's some alpha!louis and omega!harry smut :)) enjoy!


It was Friday and things were as they usually were. Louis was resting on the couch with Harry curled up on his lap reading a book while he drank some tea and watched some show on the telly. Things were comfortable, as they always were with Harry, as they always had been.

Today, though, something was bothering Louis. Something on his mind that he needed to talk about but, well.. He knew for a fact that his Harry would never judge him, never had in fact, however it didn't make him any less nervous. He could feel himself twitching as he nursed his cuppa, restless with the thought. "Lou? 'S something up? You seem restless.." The younger male looked up at him from his spot on his thighs, nuzzling into the older male's lap. God, did Louis love him.

Somehow, though, Harry always knew when something was wrong. It seemed instinctual almost. "I just... Uh.." He really didn't know how to get the words out. He was great at witty banter and cracking jokes but serious conversation, especially when it was about something so embarrassing, was always a little anxiety-inducing.

Harry nuzzled his thighs again, sending him waves of calming pheromones and.. Had Louis mentioned just how much he loved him? "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He quizzed softly, breathing gently into the air as he looked up at him with those mossy eyes that seemed to hold nothing but adoration.

"Well.. My rut is coming up and.." They'd been through many heats and ruts together by now and each time was just as brilliant and perfect as the time before. Nothing had ever been wrong, or a concern, and if there was then they were able to talk about it. Harry simply hummed at him from his spot and Louis forgot how to breathe about him for a moment. "Well, I wanted to try something with you.." He couldn't get enough of what he'd heard about and he wanted so badly to try it with Harry. Harry said nothing in response, simply taking Louis' hand into his own and playing with his fingers, pressing a kiss to his skin in an attempt to soothe him. "I saw this thing about like, well.." Harry didn't pressure him, just let Louis take his time to talk. "There was an Alpha talking on this kink site about how he got his Omega to handcuff him during his rut and.. I was thinking maybe we could try that..?" Harry smiled up at him, biting his lip a little as he did so. Louis knew Harry got a little riled up any time they talked about his rut.

"Yeah? You'd wanna try that?" Usually Louis was extra possessive and dominant during his rut, as all Alphas were, and Harry drowned in it. But, well, Louis wanted to see what he could do while tied up like that. Wanted to see what it would do to his pretty little Omega. "Maybe.. I could blindfold you too.." Harry really liked the idea then and Harry couldn't help but be happy. Harry always made him happy.

Louis groaned softly, reaching down to tangle a hand into the young Omega's hair tug at his pretty curls, watching as his eyes started to cloud over a little more. Needless to say, their night got a little more fun from there on out.


A few days later and Louis was in the throws of his rut, his knot having popped inside of Harry twice now and fuck, did it feel so good. They'd talked about how to do this and how to make sure they were safe and a part of Louis, the Alpha part, wanted to tell Harry that he didn't want to go through with it anymore but.. The bigger part of him, the Louis part of him, wanted it sort of badly. So here he was, handcuffed to the chair with his hands behind his back and a satin blindfold tied tightly over his eyes. His cock was aching as it stood against his stomach, leaking against his own skin and drooling down to his thighs. It was so easy to start leaking, especially when he could smell Harry's delicious slick. When he could hear his Omega, his perfect Omega, moving around the room.

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