never worse, never better

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hi my loves, just wondering would y'all want some one-shots with top harry instead please do let me know. enjoy! :)


The come is still warm on Harry's stomach when Louis drags a tight fist up his cock again. Harry watches, mesmerised. Louis' hand pushes his foreskin up to cover most of the head again and just a single drop of come beads out of his slit. He throws his head back so it rests on Louis' shoulder. Louis' skin is a little tacky with sweat and his hard cock presses against the small of Harry's back but his breathing is still mostly steady and he's not making any attempts to push Harry off to touch himself so Harry sags back against him. Louis' hand slides down his cock slowly and stays loosely wrapped around the base.

It's nice to just lie back and relax, close his eyes and feel Louis all around him, smell the clean sweat and a hint of his own green apple body wash, hear Louis breathe. Louis' legs bracket his, strong thighs tense against Harry's spread legs, and Louis' arms wrap around his chest, hugging him from behind and holding him close. Harry feels safe and relaxed and sleepy; he just wants to lie like this and sleep for a few hours. Or days. He hasn't decided yet.

That is, until Louis starts pumping his cock again. Harry hisses, still hard but oversensitive, tries to get away from Louis' hand by squirming backwards and only succeeds in getting Louis to grip him tighter. It doesn't feel good, can't possibly feel good so soon, and he whines against Louis' neck. There's pleasure there, like there always is when Louis touches him, but it's too sharp, too intense, too soon, just too much. "Lou, too much," he sobs into Louis' skin. He doesn't know if Louis doesn't hear him or just doesn't react to it, but Louis' hand doesn't stop moving over his cock. It makes an obscene sound, the lube Louis used before mixing with Harry's come to make a wet mess of his crotch. Louis' other hand runs down his chest and stomach lightly making Harry's muscles jump and his nipples perk up, still a little sore from Louis biting them earlier; Louis' fingers trail through every drop of come on Harry's skin, spread it out and rub it in and get him even dirtier and messier and God, Harry's getting turned on again. He pushes into Louis' fist mindlessly before pulling back again because it's still too much. He feels like Louis' hands are setting him on fire wherever they touch.

"Always look so inviting after you come," Louis says absently, almost like the words are slipping out of him without conscious thought. "Always look like you want more." Harry wants to say that he doesn't, that he can't, but that's such a lie and he knows it; when it comes to Louis, he always wants more. He doesn't know if it's the words or something else but on the next upstroke the pleasure outweighs the pain and he moans (or maybe it's the pain that makes it good, but Harry doesn't want to think too much about that). "There you go," Louis whispers. He pets Harry's stomach once then uses that hand, covered in come, to cup Harry's balls. He tugs on them a little just like Harry likes; Harry arches his back away from Louis. His arse pushes against Louis' crotch and Louis' cock slips between his arsecheeks. It's like his every move makes it even easier for Louis to drive him mad.

Louis' fingers squeeze once more around his balls before they drift lower, the tips of them pressing just behind and Harry imagines he can see the jolt of arousal that spreads from there up to the tip of his cock making it even harder; it twitches in Louis' hand.

Harry makes the mistake of looking down and then can't look away. Louis' hand, small to begin with, is completely dwarfed by his thick cock flushed such a deep red it makes even Louis' skin look pale in comparison. Louis' other hand disappears between Harry's legs, only the heel of his palm visible where it's pressing on Harry's balls, but Harry doesn't need to see the rest of it, he can feel Louis' fingers prodding and pushing and making him moan and squirm. "Louis," he murmurs, not sure how he wants to finish that sentence. He rolls his hips once, pushes into Louis' fist and back against his cock to see how it feels. It's still intense, the friction of Louis' hand on his cock, even with how slowly he's fucking into Louis' fist. It's good though, so good that once he starts, he can't stop; he rocks back and forth, into Louis and away from him, still unsure if he's trying to get closer or to escape. His breathing is getting shallow again and he can feel a fresh sheen of sweat breaking out on his skin. Louis' hand tightens around him and he starts fucking into it faster.

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