i'm tired of using technology, i need you right in front of me

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here's part one of 'when i land, you're mine' enjoy! also this is two chapters in one plus another afterwards.


chapter one - you will never feel so pretty

When Harry was 19 and studying at university for an English Literature degree that everyone said would get him no-where in life, working part-time at a night-club and the rest of the time doing shifts at a local strip club, he hadn't expected to be where he is now. Two years later, he's sat in a high-rise flat overlooking the sparkling city of London, wrapped in a duvet and wearing a diamond bracelet that cost more than his old flat used to.

Harry was in his final year of uni, and he no longer worked at that strip club- although he still did a few shifts at the night-club just so he could spend time with his friends who worked there- because when he was 19 he spilled a drink all over a man who changed his life.

Two years ago Louis Tomlinson sat in The Pussycat Lounge- the unfortunately named strip-club Harry had worked at- in Harry's section, and when he had rushed by, Louis had just happened to stand up and be soaked with the tray of drinks in Harry's hands. Harry had babbled and attempted to wipe up the mess, in the process accidently hitting Louis in the crotch which made Harry even more incoherent, causing the older man to laugh so hard that he had tears in his eyes. Harry had been shouted at by his superiors and Louis had gone home. He'd thought that had been it between them. He'd had no clue.

Three weeks later Harry had been attempting to carry eight hardback books home from the library when he tripped and landed on his arse surrounded by said books. A few seconds later a shadow had fallen over him and he'd looked up to see Louis' grinning face: "Are you incapable of walking in a straight line, love?" he'd asked and Harry had blushed bright red and frowned up at him. Louis had made it up to him by buying him a cup of tea from a local café. Harry had had no idea that letting the man buy him a drink would put so much more into motion.

Suddenly Louis decided to invade every aspect of his life, coming to the Pussycat and then to Lloyds- the night-club Harry worked at Wednesday and Thursday nights- whenever Harry had a shift. Finally Harry gave up and accepted one of Louis' proposals for dinner.

He found out that Louis was 28, worked in some fancy company that did business all over the world, meaning he travels quite a bit. It also meant that Louis' watch cost more than anything Harry had ever been in the vicinity of. Louis' fancy sky-high flat had amazed him the first time he'd been invited up, he'd wandered around wide-eyed and terrified that anything he touched would break.

They'd dated casually for a few weeks, Louis taking any and every opportunity to buy Harry anything he so much as glanced at, "Do I need to walk everywhere with my eyes closed when I'm with you?" Harry would joke, making Louis roll his eyes without fail.

The first time they slept together it was because Louis came home to find Harry laid half-naked on his bed, the long expanse of pale skin only covered by a tiny pair of sapphire-blue, silk boxer shorts. Harry had been so nervous wearing them for him, but the look in Louis' eyes had made it worth it.

Harry moved into Louis' flat before they even hit their one year anniversary, and Harry didn't miss the smug smile on Louis' face when Harry's possessions began to mingle with his. Louis liked things like that; signs of ownership. To be honest Harry liked it too. Harry enjoyed being Louis' and Louis' alone. Liked the bruises from Louis' mouth that cover his body, likes the possessive hand on his hip whenever anyone gets too close to him, and likes the firm hand around his throat when they fuck; the growl of "Who do you belong to?"

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