everything - 2/4

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Harry lifts his hands slowly. He knows he can't undress Louis, he doesn't even want to – the coat, oh, dear gods, the coat! And the big belt buckle, and, my reasoning, the black suit...! This is the hottest Louis has even been, Harry swears. He only reaches to his fly, asking for permission, and when Louis doesn't smack his hands away, Harry unzips his pants.

Louis isn't wearing any underwear.


Harry swallows, trying to steady his shaking hands so he can properly touch Louis' intimate parts. His thick cock is throbbing in the lady panties so hard Harry wants nothing but to touch himself, but he knows he's not allowed to. Harry knows what to do. He licks the tip of Louis' dick, getting used to Louis' sweet taste (because Louis prepared himself too), one hand on the root of the shaft, the other on Louis' hip. He looks up with his tongue slipping down his length, Louis looks him in the eye and Louis' name slips down Harry's lips. Louis is biting his lips, he doesn't want to moan like a slut when his role is a dom, but Harry noticed, his lips rubs the head of his cock, he's still looking in Louis' eyes when his lips parts and he takes Louis' cock in his mouth. All down the way, Harry doesn't even hesitate to go down right to the root, deepthroating him like a pro. Louis bites back his moan, and it sounds just like the growl he did before.

Louis tilts his head back, bends his back a bit and his hand grips firmly Harry's hair again. Harry whines and purrs which sends vibrations down Louis dick to his tummy and goosebumps again spills across his back. Louis breathes through his nose, pulls Harry's hair really hard which makes his lover whimper with his mouth full. Louis knows what this sound means, he pulls Harry away from himself and then thrust into his mouth to the root of his dick. Harry purrs again and swallows around Louis.

Louis is dying with pleasure.

Harry releases him a bit, takes a deep breath and swallows Louis dick once again. Louis needs to stop him, they would be done very soon this way, and Louis has a very long list of things he wants to do to his younger boyfriend.

Louis takes Harry's collar chain and pulls towards the bed, making Harry lie down on his back with his head over the edge a bit. Harry knows. He looks up Louis eyes and Louis takes his wrists and tiles them with the collar chain. Harry opens his mouth and Louis thrusts into them. Harry doesn't make much of a sound, just a few choked moans or yelps, when Louis stops for a moment for Harry to breathe. And Louis doesn't know where to look first. Down on Harry who lets his dom fuck his mouth like it is nothing, or at Harry's pulsing erection trappend in lady laces, or the corset that makes Harry's tattoos and his collarbones look so yummy... Louis wants to suck a heart on them. So he pulls out of Harry's talented mouth and chuckles, when Harry does that disappointed sound.

„Don't worry, slut," Louis says coldly. „I will get to that again in a while."

He then holds Harry's sides and sucks lovebites on his collar bone right above the swallow. When he's finished, he comes back to what he promised. Harry opens his mouth obediently and Louis fucks into it. Harry can feel his lover's cock on his palate, and at the back of his throat. He tries to breath through his nose and he also tries to swallow around Louis cock everytime Louis hits the back of his throat. Usually, Louis is all afraid and aware of how hard he can thrust into him, makes sure his partner can breathe, but not today. He's quick in thrusting, deep and seems like not caring, but he knows how much can Harry take, and even though Harry does almost everything to satisfy his Louis, he knows when to say his safeword. And this is not the situation here right now. Harry is a cockslut, and he loves it, when he can choke on Louis' dick. Harry tries his luck and takes a hold on Louis things to steady himself. Louis does not comply and Harry is happy, trying to swallow harder and suck him better, but he's having some troubles to breathe now. He grips Louis' thighs and Louis stops immediately, making sure his lover is okay. He looks in Harry's eyes, which seems a bit fuzzy and mois, but he's breathing and again asking for Louis' cock.

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