causing trouble up in hotel rooms (baby, i'm perfect)

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Louis knew what Harry was doing, he's not an idiot.

Harry does this every time. He likes to tease Louis and try to get him riled up to the point where Louis would fuck him hard. Harry likes it rough and it was no surprise that he was going to end up getting horny considering they haven't had sex in a while due to all the events happening lately. The world was a natural cockblock and all the traveling and required interviews got in the way.

Not only that, but Louis was trying to test Harry. It was his favorite thing to do. He wanted to see how much he can get Harry turned on to the point where he would be begging for sex. Desperate Harry was Louis' favorite. Right after cuddly Harry and dorky Harry, cause let's face it, everyone loves dorky Harry. Besides that, Harry was already a clingy little koala, despite being quite a bit taller than him.

However, when Harry was tuned on-- it was like twice the amount of being turned on as before. Harry would always whine for him and literally get on his knees, just begging to suck Louis off. Begging for Louis to fuck him and manhandle him. There's nothing Harry loves more than a man roughly grabbing him and slamming into him till he's scream. Well, that and having Louis rim him till he comes untouched.

Since he hasn't been fucked lately, Harry's been getting to that point where his nipples are always hard and he's more active on stage. Louis wasn't just trying to tease him, though. He was also worried cause his boyfriend is an idiot and basically refuses to wear the boot for his foot. He didn't want his baby hurt anymore than he already was.

Harry's so freaking stubborn sometimes and he wore the boot at first, but then he just takes it off and puts it back on constantly. Louis tries to tell him it's necessary, but he doesn't listen. He insists he's fine and Louis just carried him everywhere. Cause, maybe Harry's taller, but he'll always be Louis' baby.

However, at the moment, his baby wasn't acting like he should. Harry was being extra sexual and teasing Louis more this concert than the last few. He was dancing around and shaking his cute little hips like the slut he is. Louis didn't appreciate this. Harry's only suppose to be doing that for Louis. He should be use to it by now since Harry always does this, but he's not.

Louis kept his attention on singing, though. He tried not to stare at Harry too much, but it's kinda hard not to when his boyfriend is prancing around and doing his signature dorky moves. Those ones where he puts his hands on his hips and shakes his little arse. Sometimes Louis wonders why he loves Harry so much. But, he remembered it's cause of those reasons.

Sadly, it got worse (better?)(he doesn't know). He knew the fans loved to throw shit on stage. He was fine with it, but not when his princess is getting hurt (or his friends). But, not only that, he knew the fans who shipped them would try to get them to wear crop tops and feminine clothes, so they would throw them on stage. It was a little weird, but better than throwing anything that can hurt them.

Someone tried to throw a crop top for Louis. He nearly laughed and threw up at the thought. Louis isn't against crossdressing, Harry does it all the time when they're feeling kinky. But, he personally never wanted to wear one. Even if Harry said he was sexy and had a nice body, Louis preferred to be more...masculine. A bit more manly.

Despite Louis not wanting to wear one, the fans directed their attention to Harry wearing one now. And yeah, Louis didn't mind that. But, what he did mind was the fans throwing it on stage and basically teasing Louis with the mental image. Cause, Harry kicked the shirt up and he gripped it, glancing at it for a moment before shoving it in his back pocket.

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