you give me a fever (what a lovely way to burn)

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                             (has picture and gif links attached)

aha 69 ;)) anyways, so y'all there were some pictures a gif's attached to this chapter BUT i didn't wanna get flagged so in the original one on ao3, if you go there wherever you see (xxx) it has a link with it that you can press to see the pics but i didn't add them here. enjoy!

here's a gif for those who don't wanna go look :)

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here's a gif for those who don't wanna go look :)


To say Louis hates mornings would be an understatement. Which is why at seven in the morning, when his alarm goes off, he's more then a little pissy.

Noticing that he's received a text from Liam, sounding more then chipper, makes Louis want to hurl his phone across the room and dive back under the covers.

'Hey Lou, we'll be picking you two up at 8! Don't bother making Tea, we're picking some up for you and Haz on the way to the station.'

'I fucking hate you' Is all Louis texts back. It's the only thing Louis can think to say this early in the morning.

Louis stands up and stretches. Lifting his arms high over his head, then rolling his shoulders. He scratches his naked lower stomach as he makes his way out of his room to go to the bathroom he and Harry share.

Louis isn't prepared for the smell of apples that overtake his senses when he steps out into the hallway. It tickles his nose and he realizes that Harry's in the shower.

Moving closer to the bathroom, Louis can see steam seeping from the little crack where the door has been left open. The warmth from the steam is calling to Louis, like a Siren at sea. Singing for him to come nearer.

It's like his feet just move on their own. It's fine though. He and the boys are always puttering around or getting ready in the bathroom while someone is in the shower. It's the kind of closeness/lack of privacy you get over when you're on the road more then you're home and the tour bus is only so big and hotel rooms only have one bathroom.

At first when he walks in, Louis just stands there. Letting the warmth and apple-y smell comfort him. But when the need to pee consumes him, he snaps out of his haze and walks over to the toilet.

Louis stands in front of the toilet and pulls his dick out, aiming it towards the bowl. He braces his hand against the wall, waiting for the flow to start. Louis doesn't want to interrupt Harry so he keeps quiet. This isn't a problem for Louis, cause when its this early in the morning not much is going through Louis' mind expect how much he wishes he could go back to bed.

He's shaking the little remaining driblets of urine off his dick when he hears something. He strains to listen while he puts his dick back in his briefs.

He feels like a total prat trying to listen for something he's not even certain he heard.

He's moves over to the sink, to brush his teeth when he hears something again. He's sure of it this time. A hiss or a gasp of air. And it takes Louis a moment, thanks to his still sleeping brain, to think what the hell Harry could be doing in the shower that would make him make a sound like that.

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