cold without you here

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last one for tonight besties i'll try and find more soon, enjoy!!


It's cold, Harry thinks. He can feel a rush of frosty air filter against the bed, streaming out from the nearby air vent. He pulls the covers closer, curling his legs up towards his stomach. He shivers, squinting his eyes, and his teeth chatter.

He brushes his arm across the crisp, white sheets, reaching for a warm body. He finds nothing, however, except a wad of discarded blankets. Harry opens his eyes and gives them a few seconds to adjust. He blinks away the blurriness and rubs them with his knuckles, feeling the pressure of his ring against his skin.

"Lou?" he calls out into the empty bedroom.

He glances over at the alarm clock. It's already 8:16 in the morning. He overslept.

"Shit," he breathes, throwing his blankets aside.

He stands up from the bed, stretching his long, tired limbs. He waddles out into the living room, crossing his arms over his chest because, damn, it's still very cold. He can feel goosebumps form on his porcelain skin.

He steps over to the large bay window, green eyes wide and alert. He looks outside and sees the driveway empty. A knot forms in his stomach, twisting and tightening, as a frown settles on his bubblegum lips.

He rushes over to fetch his phone, which was left charging the night before in the kitchen. He quickly types in his passcode but messes up a few times, hands shaking nervously. He dials up Louis's number and ignores the countless e-mails and game notifications popping up on his screen.

It rings twice before he picks up.

"'ello love," his boyfriend's voice chirps.

Harry's breath sharpens. "You've left already?" he says impatiently.

Louis pauses. "I left at half past six," he replies, voice muffled in the speaker. "I'm on my way to the airport right now."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Harry asks, voice cracking.

"You looked so cute while you were sleeping," Louis coos, and Harry can practically see his cheeky smile through the phone.

"I'm serious," Harry presses. "I wanted to say goodbye."

"We said goodbye last night, didn't we?"

Harry bites his lip, thinking back to the night before, images of snogging and cumming whipping through his brain. "I suppose so," he mumbles, mind drifting. "But I wanted to see your face before you took off."

"I'm sorry. I'll be back before you know it."

"I dunno. Six days is a long time," Harry says and rubs the back of his neck. He wanders around the kitchen mindlessly while Louis stays silent. "You still there?"

"Yeah," Louis replies. "Yeah, I'm here. We just pulled into the airport."

"Oh," the youngest whispers. "Okay. I'll let you go then. Will you call me when you get to Detroit?"

"Of course, baby. I will as soon as I can," he assures him. "I promise," he adds as an afterthought.

"Keep warm, Lou. There's supposed to be a snow storm soon," Harry tells him, remembering what he saw on the news earlier.

"I will. I'll see you soon, okay? I'll be home before you know it."

Harry nervously fiddles with the engagement ring on his finger. "You'll be back Friday the 13th, right?"

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