i'm a spark and you're a boom

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Harry doesn't understand why he has to have a babysitter, he'll be 16 in a little over a month and it's not like he meant to do it. He's usually so good about it, but this time he just forgot to clear out the history on his family's' computer. Leaving his mom to find the many porn searches on the recently visited tab. She learned a lot about him that day, like how he enjoys to watch grown men pound into freshly legal twinks for two hours straight. How he likes when they dress up in lace panties and give the older man a show. Loves the way the younger lad keens on watching his company's eyes roll while deepthroating his large, much more experienced cock. Oops. Honestly, he didn't mean to not clear it. His mind was just a little fuzzy afterwards.

He's never had a proper babysitter, though. Before Gemma left for uni she had always been stuck watching him while mum was away. Which she never really did anyway, always ended up inviting one of her friends over and disappearing upstairs. So being nervous doesn't catch him much by surprise. He's watched enough porn to know what happens when a fit babysitter is around. But he also knows his mum well enough that she will probably pay the old woman from next door to check in on him while she's away for work tonight, and where's the fun in that?

"H, I'm leaving come give me a kiss!" Harry hears his mum call from downstairs. Standing up from his thoughts and the warmth of his covers, he makes his way downstairs.

"Honey, would you put some clothes on? Your sitter will be here in ten minutes," Anne says while placing a wet kiss to his cheek, making herself busy with grabbing her keys and purse. Motioning towards her overnight bag, Harry goes to the coat hanger to put on a thick fleece to protect him from the bitter cold he knows is awaiting outside, he's only got a pair of basketball shorts on after all. He turns and reluctantly picks up her bag and walks behind her toward the door. "He's got some studying to do so maybe you could watch a bit of telly while I'm gone. I'll be back in the morning, before you even wake."

"Mum I really don't need a babysitter, I'm not a child," Harry says while putting her bag in the backseat before shutting the door.

"You know I just get worried, and I really don't care to have a repeat of last time, Harry," his mother says while pulling him in for a hug. "Now just go do some studying, big week with finals and everything coming up, love." Harry sighs, because really, studying is the furthest thing from his mind. Did she say that the babysitter was a he? And that he needs to study? Harry has some things- no, no he can't think like that, not yet. He hasn't even seen the bloke yet. Really, he needs to get in control of these teenage hormones.

"I've really got to go, but I'll see you in the morning okay? Be good baby," and after planting another kiss onto his forehead, she's into the driver's seat and pulling away. Harry loves his mum, enjoys her company, but loves to have breaks from her. Especially after she found his porn history a couple weeks ago, everything's just gotten a bit awkward after that.

Okay. So if Harry runs upstairs to change into a flannel and a pair of his skinniest black jeans, who's really to say it's because he may (emphasis on may) have a fit uni student in his living room in about five minutes.

He makes his way to the mirror to comb through his curls a little bit, shaking his head and threading his fingers through to fix his fringe. He does a once over in the mirror, looking over himself hurriedly before making his way downstairs to turn on the telly. He clicks through the channels to find nothing on, and well that figures. So he makes his way to the stand of movies his family has stacked beside the telly, his pointer finger slowly dropping further down the movies spine's as he reads before he hears a knock on the door and shoots up from his bending position.

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