scream for air to breathe

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hey besties, can't remember if i've already uploaded this one shot as a chapter but if i have please let me know and i'll take it down to make room for a different one :)


Louis wakes up knowing he's probably the happiest man alive. It's his birthday, it's obviously near noon, he doesn't have anywhere he needs to be, and he's got his boyfriend's gorgeous mouth wrapped around his cock.

He smiles slowly as the cogs turn in his brain and he opens his eyes, looking down at where Harry's kicked off the duvet, his hand wrapped around Louis' cock as he sucks on him lazily. He's gorgeous, cheeks hollowed and mouth pink around him, his eyes closed so his eyelashes are fanned out against his cheeks like some sort of unearthly pretty doll.

Louis reaches down to pet at Harry's head sleepily, and Harry's eyes flick up to him before he's drawing off, licking his lips before he scrambles up to straddle Louis' waist now he knows that he's awake.

'Happy birthday!' Harry grins, leaning down to kiss him. His mouth tastes sour from sleep with the faintest hint of bitter from having Louis' cock in his mouth, but he doesn't care as he licks into Harry's soft yielding mouth.

He pulls back and plants one last chaste kiss to Harry's mouth before he reaches up to tuck a stray curl behind his ear. 'Morning, baby,' he sighs happily.

Harry grins and leans back in, smacking a quick succession of short kisses to his lips as Louis starts giggling. As soon as he starts, Harry is giggling too, peppering him with kisses before he withdraws, sitting back on Louis' tummy, hands spread out over his chest.

'Twenty three kisses for my twenty three year old.' Harry murmurs as a slight blush tinges his cheeks. He's so sweet, gloriously naked in Louis' lap as he smiles down at Louis like Louis is his world. It makes him feel special, loved.

Louis pulls him back in for another kiss, and Harry goes easily, plastering himself against Louis' chest as Louis wraps his arms around his narrow waist. Harry's hard between them, and Louis lets his hand drift lower to rest on his arse. He wouldn't be opposed to a lazy fuck, not when his cock is hard against the cleft of Harry's arse.

But Harry has other plans, it would seem, and instead he's sliding back down Louis' body, situating himself between Louis' legs, as he takes him back in his mouth.

He bobs his head with purpose until Louis is pressed against the back of his throat, Harry gagging around him but holding him there as his eyes tear up, working through it. If giving head was an Olympic sport, Louis has no doubt that Harry could bring home gold for England, and he feels honoured that he gets to experience the mouth that millions fantasise about, warm and wet around his cock.

Harry bobs over him enthusiastically, sloppy and eager as spit drools from the corners of his lips and Louis bucks up into his mouth. Harry guides Louis' hands into his hair, and Louis knows that means Harry wants him to fuck, his throat open as Louis guides Harry's mouth over him, fucking his throat.

Harry grinds down against the mattress as he sucks him, eyes wide and wet as he looks up at Louis, before he moans around him and comes, his hips bucking against the bed as his hands twitch against Louis' hips, mouth slack as he trembles, and Louis holds him still and fucks up once, twice, before he pulls out and jerks himself quickly before he comes on Harry's face, across the bridge of his nose and over his cheek and on his mouth.

Harry sags and rests his head against Louis' thigh, twitching from aftershocks as Louis strokes himself until the euphoria is gone, with oversensitivity taking its place.

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