you can own me (and we'll call this what you like)

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hey lovelies, so I finished writing the rest of the one shot from the snippet I posted a few days ago so here it is, this is also my first time writing smut so let me know if there's anything I should change or such. all feedback is welcome and appreciated! enjoy!!


"My love?" Louis calls out from the front door, closing it behind him. He takes off his coat and hangs it on the rack before dropping his briefcase on the floor. He hears a faint rustle from upstairs followed by, "In the bedroom Lou!"

Louis trudges upstairs rolling up the sleeves on his white button up. He reaches the top of the stairs and takes a left towards their bedroom. He walks in expecting Harry to be cuddled up underneath the covers reading a book or watching something on the television.

Oh how wrong Louis had been.

Harry is standing in front of the vanity mirror, his back facing Louis. His top half is adorning a forest green lace bralette, wireless of course. He's wearing lace panties in the same shade of green. Louis' eyes follow down Harry's thigh and he notices the garter belt attached to the green stockings that make the boy's legs seem like they're miles long. Louis lets out a breath and finds his way back up Harry's body, making eye contact with the boy through the mirror. Harry shudders at Louis' almost predatory gaze.

"Hi daddy," Harry mumbles, bringing his hands together and fiddling his thumbs together shyly. Contrary to his confidence when Louis first walked in.

"Darling," Louis breathes out, walking closer to Harry. "You look fucking beautiful. Did this all for me did you?" He says grabbing Harry in by his love handles. Harry's hands naturally loop themselves around Louis' neck, his lips pouting in a silent ask for a kiss.

Louis plants a delicate kiss to the boy's lips then his cheek which in result turns pink. One kiss just below his ear gives it a slight lick before pulling his face back to look at Harry again.

"Only for you, wanted to surprise you. Wanted to thank you," The boy states, landing a few pecks to Louis' scruffy jaw here and there. "Thank me for what sweetheart?" The elder asks although he already knows the answer, just wants to rile Harry up a bit before playing with him.

"For the vacation in Athens and for taking such good care of me. Wanted to thank you for being such a good daddy, I love you." Harry whispers the last part as if it were a secret meant for only him and Louis.

The older man gives a soft smile, holding the boy tighter and pressing his lips to Harry's. The kisses are soft yet needy with slight pushes of tongue. He lightly scrapes his teeth on Harry's bottom lip, granted access he slides his tongue into the boy's mouth immediately tangling them together. Harry threads his fingers through Louis' hair at the back of his neck, tugging on it as their tongues continue to fight for dominance.

Louis wins of course.

The man lets out a groan at the tugging and trails his lips farther down slowly reaching towards Harry's sweet spot and collarbones. He lets his hands wander down to grab a handful of Harry's arse, kneading softly and pulling him closer, if that was possible.

Louis sucks on the skin of Harry's neck. He gently bites down on the forming marks then soothing them with a slight lick and blowing cool air which adds to the sensation before moving on to suck another one. After he's satisfied with the countless marks he's left on the boy's neck he places one last kiss on his plump, now red bitten lips. Harry lets out a breathless moan and whimpers, silently asking for more.

"What do you want, baby? Anything you want, tell me." Louis questions

Harry replies quickly as if he's finally able to ask for what he's wanted for far too long. "Wanna taste daddy," Harry keens "Now."

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