let's embrace the point of no return

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hey y'all, here's another alpha!louis and omega!harry story. this one is definitely more of short story rather than only smut  (there is smut though) but i loved reading it and just had to share. enjoy!!


This was the biggest opportunity of his life.

It all started with a simple suggestion from Niall, who knew several people who worked for the company and insisted that he could pull some strings to at least get Harry an internship. Harry, although not before nearly screaming in excitement, held Niall to his word and immediately began doing his research.

This was one of the biggest record companies in the world. There were multiple branches everywhere, including LA and New York, but the main branch, or what you would call headquarters, was right in the heart of London.

At the age of 18, and just one week before his first year of uni, Harry was already accepted to be interviewed for a paid internship during the fall semester. If it all worked out, Harry could potentially land a job there. Everything that he had dreamed about since he was young was now right before his eyes, written out in an email that summoned him to one of the tallest, most well-known office buildings in London, at 8am on Monday morning.

Harry grinned at the email from his dark, huddled space under the blankets. The brightness of his laptop was on the lowest setting, sparing Niall from being woken up from Harry's excitement. It was 2am, and out of the kindness of his soft, omega heart, Harry would talk to his friend about it in the morning.

As quietly as possible, Harry shut off his laptop and pulled himself from the stuffy blankets, placing the laptop at the end of his bed before plopping back against his pillow.

Excitement was filling up every part of him. He had two full days before his interview, which meant he only had that amount of time to prepare himself for the most intimidating thing he has ever done in his life. He could ask Niall for assistance on how to act for his interview, but in the end, Niall was hopeless at interviews, which explained why he worked at a local ice cream shop near their flat.

Harry had known Niall since he was 15, when Niall moved from Ireland and was transferred to Harry's school. The two rapidly became friends, starting with the empty seat next to Harry's desk, all the way in the back row of their English class. Back when Niall's laugh was louder than anything Harry had ever heard, making Harry giggle and blush more than he ever had in his life.

Niall was a beta, something Harry picked up on immediately. Harry had a couple omega friends that he clung to before he met Niall, but they slowly faded under the attention of their alphas. The population of alphas and betas reined over the amount of omegas. This was true in not just their school, but also all around the world. Omegas weren't exactly rare, but they were guaranteed to draw the attention of every person in the room, simply by their smell.

For as long as he could remember, Harry had always been the center of attention. Alphas sent him love notes through his locker, held the door open for him wherever he went, took him out to dinner, and, if they were rich alphas that were under the inheritance of big businessmen, they would even buy Harry small presents for no particular reason.

Harry always appreciated the attention. He tried to never take it for granted, like many omegas did. He loved the romantic gestures that alphas gave him, giving Harry hope that maybe he would find his mate out of the many of them. But now, at the beginning of uni, Harry remained unmated for one reason: out of all of the alphas that showered Harry with their affections, they only wanted one thing from him... sex.

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