baby you got me tied down

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i just gave y'all 12  chapters in one sitting so have fun besties!


Harry's drunk. It takes him a few times to get the keycard into the slot, and he throws his entire weight into the heavy hotel door when it finally unlocks to open it. "Ooh, ow," he grunts, stumbling into the dark room. The glowing green clock on the bedside table reminds him that it's two in the morning and Louis's probably asleep. But then he realizes that the room is lit by the television screen, and Louis is sitting shirtless and cross-legged on the little couch with a video game controller in his hand, face set in concentration.

Louis's eyes flick up to glance at Harry, not bothering to pause the game. "Have fun?" he asks.

"Mm," Harry nods, dropping down beside Louis on the couch and watching his little digital football player run down the field and score a goal. It makes his drunken brain motion sick, and he looks at Louis's profile instead. Louis's chiseled cheekbones and jaw look especially amazing in the sharp relief of the light from the television, and Harry subconsciously licks his lips. "Did you wait up for me?" he asks, his words a little slurred, a sly smile growing on his face.

Louis shrugs, still staring straight ahead, his thumbs moving quickly on the controller. "Zayn set the Xbox up and we played for a few hours," he says, tugging his arm away when Harry strokes a clumsy finger down it. Harry frowns, sliding a little closer so their thighs touch. Louis pointedly leans his body away. "He went to bed a little while ago."

Harry huffs out a breath, frustrated that Louis won't pay him any attention. He's drunk and horny and decides to skip the subtleties, reaching over and putting his hand right over the crotch of Louis's joggers. "Lou," he whines, palming him gently. Louis still doesn't move his eyes from the TV, but he's biting back a smile.

"I'm a little busy here, Harry," he says, wondering how long he'll have to pretend to ignore him until he gets desperate. Harry sighs deeply before curling up on his side and dropping his head into Louis's lap, seemingly defeated. Louis keeps his arms raised over Harry's face, holding the controller, tapping away at the buttons.

It only takes Harry a few minutes to get bored again. He flips over so his front is facing the back of the couch, still resting his head on Louis's thighs and staring straight at his bare stomach. When Louis still says and does nothing, Harry buries his face into the crotch of the other boy's joggers, mouthing at him hungrily. He can immediately tell that Louis isn't wearing any underwear.

It takes a lot of self-control for Louis not to swear. He can feel Harry's hot breath through the material of his sweats, those sinfully full lips working over his soft cock, causing it to harden steadily. He wants to run a hand through Harry's hair so badly, but he pretends to continue concentrating on the game even though he's losing terribly now.

Harry lets out a frustrated groan, and Louis almost drops the controller onto the boy's head when the sound vibrations go straight into his now full erection. Louis's biting down on his lip so hard it hurts, fighting the urge not to look as Harry rolls off of the couch and gets on his knees between Louis's legs.

"You're blocking the TV," he scolds even though Harry truly isn't, and he takes one hand off the controller to grab the back of Harry's head and push his head down. Harry doesn't fight, ducking his head down and grabbing the waistband of Louis's joggers. Louis won't lift his hips to allow Harry to take them off completely, so Harry has to settle with just tucking the band under Louis's balls as best he can.

Harry puts a hand on the inside of each of Louis's thighs for leverage before running the very tip of his tongue up the length of the older boy's dick. He's determined to tease him until Louis pays him some attention, and Louis is equally determined to ignore Harry until he's completely riled up. Harry continues licking, teasing the slit and the underside of the head where he knows Louis's the most sensitive, feeling Louis's thigh muscles tense under his fingers.

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