is there any more to do? - 2/3

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here's part two of the 'i gotta get better' series


Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair slowly and smiled a bit. After doing this for so long, he knew what Louis needed. He knew the smaller boy needed to be taken care of, he still needed the soft touches just as much as he needed the hard ones. The caresses just as much as the spanks.

Louis was laying on the bed, already completely naked and hard. Harry had let him open himself up but he wasn't allowed to cum, not yet. Louis didn't complain, though. He knew it was going to be a long night so he didn't want to cum just by his own fingers. He was blushed because he knew there was someone else there, staring at him hungrily, palming himself at the only sight of Louis' bare body.

"Tell me your colours so we can start, princess" Harry told him in a soft but firm voice as he moved his hand down, rubbing Louis' skin lovingly. Louis almost purred at the touch and the name, probably he would have if it wasn't for the man's eyes on him.

"Green means g-go on" he started in a quiet, tiny voice. "Yellow means..." He was quickly cut off by a moan as Harry pinched his nipple and he blushed even darker when he said Liam /chuckling/. Harry just smirked and nodded for him to continue. "Y-yellow means slow down. A-and red means stop."

"Good boy" he said pinching his nipple one last time, loving how Louis would react to it. "This is what we're going to do. Liam and I are going to play with you. To use you just the way you like." Louis moaned at his words, his cock twitching against his belly. He wanted that, he needed it. He was dying for anything Harry would give him. "But I'm still the one in charge here, understood?" Louis nodded quickly. "Use your words."

"Yes, sir" he answered quickly.

"If you want something, you ask me. You don't talk with Liam, you don't touch him, you don't even look at him if I don't tell you to." Harry had made it clear for Liam from the beginning: Louis was his, and he would only touch him because he wanted Liam to.

"Yes, sir" Louis repeated without hesitation.

"Good. Get up, pet" Harry said and glanced at Liam. "Why don't you go over there and makes Liam fully hard?"

Louis got up quickly, knees shaky as he moved over to Liam. He wasn't looking at his face though, he stared down at the floor as he walked closer to him and kneeled down so he was facing his clothed cock. He unbuttoned his jeans with shaky fingers and pulled them down along with his boxers. Liam was staring down at him with dark eyes, licking his lips and smirking a bit.

"He just does whatever you tell him to?" He asked Harry, his voice full of lust.

"Yeah, he wants to please me" the other answered and moved closer to Louis, tangling his fingers with his hair and pulling lightly. "He's my slut" he said and Louis moaned. He just couldn't help it, this turned him on so much. How they talked as if he wasn't even there, as if he was no one, and how Harry made sure Liam knew he was /his/. Liam grabbed the base of his cock and slapped Louis' cheek with it, who was opening his mouth eagerly.

"He's dying for it" Liam breathed and teased Louis' mouth as Harry held him in place, slapping his cheek and brushing the boy's lips with his tip.

"Fuck his mouth" Harry said because he knew that was Liam was craving to do it. And as soon as Louis heard those words, he moved his hands to the back obediently.

"Shit" Liam breathed out at Louis' submission, and Harry wanted to smile, proud of his baby, but he didn't. And the other didn't need Harry to say it twice, quickly he started to fuck Louis' mouth, slowly at first but hardening his pace.

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