im fearless with my heart

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the ending is an mpreg so if that's not your thing i suggest you skip  but it's just mentioned in the ending so nothing big, enjoy!


Louis owed Liam. Big time. Scoring a job was honestly the hardest thing nineteen year old Louis Tomlinson could do considering the fact he was fired from every workplace he set foot in. This was different though, at least he thought so.

The library was calm and serene and all he had to do was put books in shelves and help Mrs. Adams check them out. The atmosphere didn't give him a migraine and he could goof off with Liam who would come in and study for his exams that Louis completely ignored because he was a shit Uni student who was too busy trying to buy his next guitar rather than study for a test.

It was easy to get lost in the library and simply gaze around to people watch and that's what Louis did quite often. You'd see your typical uni students trying to cram as much as they could for some assignment they procrastinated on, a few cheerful kids skipping over towards the kids' section that was decorated quite warmly like the living room of a homey house, and then you'd see the loners who came almost every single day not looking for anything in particular and just aimlessly wandering the building.

There was one person that Louis just couldn't figure out, no matter how long he watched him. But technically it wasn't a bad thing because it gave Louis the opportunity to stare at the man longer than needed.

He was just so pretty.

His face was so soft, and he looked extremely delicate despite the fact that Louis was almost positive he was a few years older than him, maybe about four? His hair was a long curly brown down towards his shoulders that he sometimes wore in a bun or pulled half up and the rest down. He even wore a few headscarves every now and then to acquaint his large sweaters that swallowed his slim figure.

His lips were so plump and pretty and some days they'd look a bit red and swollen and others they'd look so soft and pink and Louis wanted to just lean over and kiss him hard every time he saw him, just to get a taste and feel of that pretty mouth.

The funny thing about this man was the fact that he was always in the romance novel section, reading the ones with the cheesy long haired Fabio holding a girl close or a Nicholas Sparks book where the couples are always close to each others faces, so close to kissing. The man would spend the entire afternoon some days reading these books, a frown believe it or not on his face the entire time.

Louis could've sworn one day when the man was reading a romance book he was actually crying. He could tell he hadn't been trying to make it obvious since he covered his mouth with his sleeve covered hand and turned the page with the other, sniffing quietly.

Once the man left Louis had made the effort to see the book he had been reading. "Sound Heart, Shallow Love" it had said. Apparently it was about a woman in a neglectful relationship "trying to break free".

When he opened the book, he couldn't help but to notice the wet spots on the yellowed pages throughout the book and he was almost certain they were from teardrops.

"What's his name?" Louis asks in awe from across the library where the same curly haired man was sitting now. He has on a pair of black glasses framing his green eyes and his long hair covered just a little by a purple beanie.

Liam hums and looks up from his textbook over to where the tattooed boy was looking and snorts with a headshake. "Bad Idea," he simply says in response.

Louis scoffs and turns towards the boy. "What are you talking about?"

"Bad Idea. That's it. His name is Harry. He like, works part time at the school and he's thirty four and too old for you and married from what I hear. So... Bad Idea," he goes on with a snort before looking back down at his books.

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