into another serotonin flow

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Driving to Louis Tomlinson's house is the last thing Harry expects to be doing on a Friday afternoon - and yet, here he is, only one stoplight away from his street.

He tries to loosen his hands on the steering wheel, but it doesn't work; his knuckles are still white from how hard he's gripping it. He stares at the vanilla-scented air freshener hanging from his rear-view mirror, focusing instead on waiting for the light to turn.

In all honesty, he should be surprised that he hasn't been to Louis' house before, considering Harry's been harboring what may well be the world's biggest crush on him since forever.

Harry's not exactly out at school - he's only ever had one boyfriend, a brief relationship with a guy that was cute, but boring and, frankly, too scared of Harry. Harry's got enough feminine mannerisms to make people talk, to make them whisper rude names near him in the locker room. And if his mannerisms aren't enough to start the rumor mill, his painted nails, long curly locks, and rainbow t-shirts definitely are.

Needless to say, when Harry realized he was almost completely in love with the decidedly straight centre forward of the football team, he kept it quiet.

Despite how outwardly confident he seems, he still feels weird about liking other boys sometimes. It can feel almost, like, predatory, and he hates it. The last thing he wants to do is make Louis uncomfortable. Even if, in another more perfect life, Louis somehow did like boys, Harry's sure he's absolute lightyears out of his league.

Where Harry is goofy, gangly, and soft, Louis' confident, compact, and sharp. He's achingly gorgeous, and wicked smart too, which is just not fair. Harry's been lucky enough to get all the way to age 18 before he has to suffer through any classes with him.

Louis is put into his English, P.E., and math courses for senior year. As Harry had figured, it's been a right train wreck thus far. He saw Louis from behind with his shirt off in the locker room during the first week of gym class, which was like a wet dream and a nightmare rolled into one. Harry's not proud of it, but he actually had to fake a stomach ache that day so he could wank - too raw and fast, but so good - in the boy's bathroom to the thought of Louis' muscular back.

Even in English class, Harry has to fight to remain calm and collected. Louis once talked about the symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye for a solid ten minutes and Harry nearly had a heart attack when the teacher asked him what he thought about Louis' comments.

"It, yeah - it was great. Really good," He'd ended up stuttering, too mortified to check for Louis' reaction.

Math is a little easier because it seems like it's the one thing Louis' not naturally perfect at. He doesn't answer questions a lot, and is confused whenever he's called on. Harry's unsurprisingly wanked himself raw to this scenario, too - imagining how this would be the perfect opportunity to be Louis' math tutor and blow him in between algebra equations.

Harry's not actually good at math, though - just average - so that dream is out of the question. He has to cheat off of his next-door neighbor/deskmate, Liam, every time he wants to actually pass a test.

Honestly, he reckons he could be pretty good at math if 1) it was even the slightest bit interesting and 2) if he tried at all. Mostly, he's too busy staring at the back of Louis' head, four rows in front of him.

"He has such a pretty neck. Is that weird, to say a boy has a pretty neck?" He whispers one time to Liam, when Louis is wearing a particularly revealing v-neck top.

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