hurts so good

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here's the same story but it's two chapters that i added in together so enjoy!


This day has already gotten off to a shitty start. It is raining outside, of-fucking-course. Louis went for his morning tea, like always, and his favourite person to observe wasn't even there. The curly haired hippie was nowhere to be seen, which is strange for a Tuesday morning. He is normally milling about, cleaning tables or putting ridiculous flowers in his hair. He really is ridiculous, but Louis has a bit of a crush. He doesn't even know his name or what his voice sounds like.

Louis walks up to his shop, looking at the brightly colored sign hung beside the door proudly displaying 'Evil from the Needle'. He is quite proud of owning his own business with his best friend at the age of 26. He twists the handle, finding it unlocked. Liam must already be there. Of course, he is. He probably woke up at some stupid hour for a morning jog in the rain, because it is 'refreshing'. Louis would label it more like 'insanity', but Liam doesn't listen to him. He shakes out his short brown hair, trying to rid it of the droplets that have gathered there.

"It's already been a shitty morning," Louis greets walking towards the counter where Liam is standing.

"Really? It was a great morning for me. Went on a jog in the rain, came home and had some breakfast with my protein shake, then I came here," Liam responds.

"Well then, then you're winning already," Louis quips wanting to barf at the mere mention of running for fun. Unless it is after a football or away from Zombies, running isn't for him. No thank you. Pass. "Who do we have on the book today, Li?" Tuesday's were usually pretty slow for them, so Louis wasn't expecting any more than two clients each, and that was pushing it.

"First up for you is a guy named Harry Styles," Liam says looking down at their paper calendar. They really needed to upgrade to a tablet, but they haven't been able to afford it.

"What kind of name is that? That has to be a fake name. Nobody would name their child, Harry Styles, and expect them to be normal," Louis scoffs.

"That's what it says," Liam replies with a bored tone, far too used to Louis' sarcasm.

"Probably getting something cliche, like a Chinese symbol. Thinks it says something like 'breathe' or 'trust' when in reality it says 'orange chicken number five'." Louis hates giving cliche tattoos. Of all of the tattoos he could possibly give someone, butterflies are most definitely his least favourite. His most hated if he's being honest. If he has to ink a fucking butterfly into one more person's skin, he may actually scream.

"Well it's a four hour session, so that would be a big ass symbol," Liam responds, looking down at the book once more.

"Fucking great. Probably gonna be something equally as cliche but big, like a fucking light house or a gigantic dreamcatcher." Louis rolls his eyes, sipping on his hot tea. If nothing else goes right today at least he's had a decent cup of tea first.

"Well get ready, because he should be here any minute," Liam tells him, walking out from behind the counter and into the back of the shop. Louis takes his place behind the counter, because even though his mood is foul, it's a four hour tattoo, which means money. If some hipster teen is willing to pay him $150 an hour to tattoo a dreamcatcher, then he's tattooing a dreamcatcher whether he wants to or not.

Not even five minutes later, the bell above the door rings, singling someone has come in. Louis looks up from his Twitter app to see who the person is. All he can see at first are legs. Incredibly long legs wrapped in skin tight black jeans. The person is attempting to close an umbrella while it is still outside the door. Why anyone would want to do that is beyond Louis. He has never been superstitious or believed in bad luck. Once the umbrella is finally closed, the person turns around and oh fuck. It's Curly. From the tea shop. Of-fucking-course it is. His green eyes lock with Louis, and Louis thinks he may not be breathing.

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