always in my heart

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Harry laid under the covers on the soft bed in his hotel room there in Japan where he was mindlessly going through twitter. He scrolled through his timeline with a small smile on his face, seeing the sweet things the fans were saying. Then one particular tweet caught his eye:

"Always In My Heart @Harry_Styles. Yours sincerely, Louis"

The tweet itself was not startling at all. Harry saw people retweet it nearly every day for years now. It always made him smile to see how many people had retweeting Louis showing his love for Harry on that day.

What was startling was underneath where the fan had retweeted it, Harry saw the small number 1M written on it.

Harry froze, completely unable to move anything in his body. He knew Louis had the second most retweeted tweet of all time, but it reached a million retweets. One million people believed in Louis' love for Harry.

He couldn't take his eyes off the small number at the bottom of the tweet. It took everything in him not to his the retweet or favorite button. Or just to reply to it, even 3 1/2 years later.

Harry immediately exited out of twitter, his mind rushing as he clicked on the phone app and pressed on his call list and calling the most recent name at the top entitled "Boo xx"

He fidgeted under the covers, waiting anxiously for the ringing in his ear to stop. It rang once, twice-

"Hi, baby," a raspy voice picked up.

"Lou-" Harry all but choked. It was still early and his voice was filled with sleep. "It- oh my god, Louis, it-"

He could hear Louis laughing. "What's going on, love?" There was a pause and Harry didn't have a chance to reply before he heard, "are you okay?"

"Fine-" Harry felt his lungs constricting. Fuck, was he overreacting? Was this even that big of a deal to Louis? They had always talked about the tweet, but Harry held doubts.

There was another pause. "Talk to me, babe," Louis' voice was more concerned now and Harry was beginning to freak out.

"Alwaysinmyheartreachedonemillion," Harry blurted out. His eyes widened, feeling scared that Louis would laugh at him. Surely Louis knew how much this tweet meant to him. But what if he laughed and told Harry-

"Oh my god," Louis' light voice filtered through. He sounded happy. "Baby? Really?"

"Yes," Harry choked. He was working himself up and he was surely going to start crying. "I was on Twitter and I was scared you would laugh but that tweet meant everything to me and I-"

"Love, relax," Louis laughed again. "A million, you said? That's incredible, really."

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