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By far one of the best smuts i've ever read and probably one of my favourites to be honest so,,, Enjoy!!


Harry doesn't need excuses to be bratty. But he has his triggers. None are forgivable, as far as he's concerned. But only one is an outright crime.

Corporal punishment will come for the man who knows better than to bury his head in the studio and forget to indulge his baby when he returns. Louis's busy— been busy. He didn't mean to forget to praise the excellent knock-off PF Chang sushi recipe Harry prepared for him, or fail to notice he organized and color-coded his entire sock drawer, or forget Harry's instructions to wake him up should he fall asleep during The Beguiled. But Louis hasn't even apologized. And it's the straw that broke the camel's back, leaving Harry with no choice but to find appeal in the suggestion of being insufferable— again. Time spent away needs its compensation. Without it, he gets capricious. And that always involves him getting aroused. God help Louis— Harry wants to play . He wants daddy to come out and play. Baits him out like a handy fisherman ought to.

And Daddy can't resist a good brat. A weakness, moreso. But he's showing remarkable strength so far. It's not the usual.

So then, the art of fishing becomes a bit more complicated. If baiting won't do, it's left Harry with no choice but to persecute. Now he's just nuisance to be reckoned with. Went from poking Louis's sides with his sock-clad foot to digging his toes over his groin. Louis's been committed to rejecting him with shoves and huffs and furrowed brows. He has his laptop with him, huddled into the corner of the sofa in retreat while Harry hogs the rest of the couch with his scantily-clad frame. He's been warned twice to be careful with Louis's computer, what with his legs kicking about and around him. Scolding won't work, though. Baby is all about perseverance. A different angle, a different position, a different move, riling him aimlessly, fishing for daddy's breaking point.


Perfectly in character, of course. This corporal punishment is really just a game. Scolding and lecturing— daddy usually does. Characterizations typewritten from an ageless script. His rejection is rose-tinted, coated in the most meticulous tone with heart-shaped storylines. All parties in agreement, always. A long-established way out makes sure of it, sitting unchallenged in these games of blurred lines: one utter of the word 'red' and it's a swift game over. Green and yellow sit by as handy check-ups along the ride. If Louis were really to reject Harry— actually want to— he would never have to ask him twice.

Because frankly, Harry's never this insufferable. Not unless it's on purpose. Not unless he's taken to stroking his cock sometime after twenty minutes of being a bother. It's been ten. Right now he's lying down against the armrest with one leg hoisted up on the back on the sofa, the other folded over the seat. Clad in a yellow t-shirt from an interview he's already been decent in, little green boxer briefs, and stretched out Adidas socks. Innocent enough. Except for the newly-grown bulge he handles from outside his underwear as he watches Louis draft an e-mail on his laptop, waiting for him to notice the latest development in their tango.

But it's not working at all. " Daddy~ " he has to whine again, sinking so his ass inches closer towards him.

Louis hides his amusement with a poker face, looking diligently at the keyboard. When he hears Harry's foot brushing against the cushion behind him, he warns, "No touching."

"I'm not, daddy." Harry turns his attention to his foot as he carefully slips it down towards Louis's shoulder. He didn't mean for his heel to knock into him as hard as it did, but he smiles when he's dealt a sharp glare. It worked. He's looking. "Hi."

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