you can take it off

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last one for tonight my loves, enjoy!


Louis is a hard-working man, no doubt about it. He was an outstanding student throughout law school and a loyal apprentice during his internship at the firm he's now employed at. Louis is a no-bullshit kind of guy, always has been. It's what made him perfect for a career as a lawyer. He's all about social justice and having the last word.

He has a nice flat, a nice car, a nice group of friends he's managed to keep since primary school. And this is all well and good, but forgive him if he stills feels his life is a little... lacking. In the romance department, specifically. It's not like he isn't interested in settling down, but his quarter-life mid crisis only hit him about six months ago in the form of finding out he's gay.

It wasn't like he'd never noticed his increasing attraction to men (specifically the cocks attached to them) but he'd always pushed aside those thoughts in favor of shoving his face in between a women's thighs. However, under the guise of going to a gay bar to support Zayn in finding a new fling during one of his frequent 'breaks' with Niall, he'd scoped the place out and decided that hey, men are really very sexy.

So. It's all very new to Louis. And he's not so much freaking out any more so much as he wants to fuck. It's like an insistent, nagging itch that he can't escape. And yes, he's well aware that he could easily go ahead and pick up a random guy at a bar and have his way with him. But where's the fun in that? He wants to work for it, earn a boy to take home and dote on (not so much in a housewife way, but rather an I-want-to-fuck-your-brains-out-and-then-smother-you-with-kisses-and-cuddles kind of way).

To compromise, Louis established a strict look but don't touch rule. It blew up in his face rather quickly. A few times a week, he manages to make his way over to one of the local clubs by his flat. He figures he deserves it after arguing with clients eight hours a day. He allows himself this night to enjoy the thrumming music and dancing boys. It allows him to relax and unwind as well as grants him an excuse to get his fill of half-naked men.

At first, he vowed he would only come to enjoy the performances, and it worked. He successfully avoided asking for a dance from any of the boys who wiggled their bums in his faces and gave him their best pouts.

Louis would have been just fine, if it wasn't for him.

When Louis first started going to the club, he didn't have a favorite. He knew nothing about the dancers, only came to enjoy how they danced on the poles and groped their own scantily clad bodies. He didn't develop a preference until one night when he was desperately horny and found his eyes glued to the body of a young cherub in a flimsy school girl's outfit. He paid extra that night just to have his own private dance from the beauty that called himself Harry.

That was a few months ago. Now, Louis is all too familiar with Harry's hours, which days he works and which ones he doesn't.

On this particular Wednesday night, Louis is exhausted from having to defend his client who is most clearly guilty. The judge was petulant and the jurors weren't interested in anything he had to say and he's just tired. He makes his way into the club with a great sigh and sidles his way up to the bar where he orders a drink from a bartender who's all too familiar with his order.

Once he's received his drink, Louis slaps a few bills on the counter and wanders over to an empty booth that he knows will give him a good view of his – well, the boy. He settles down into the vinyl cushions and admires the condensation that rolls down the side of his tumbler and pools at the bottom. He doesn't take a sip, not yet.

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