can't keep your hands off me, can't keep my hands off you (Part 2)

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This is Part 2 or Sweet Addictions :)

Harry was never one to complain about being sore from sex, ever. He was, however one to complain about the more than annoying reactions from his friends when he showed up somewhere obviously fucked out.

"So sex therapy hmm? How's that working out for you?" Niall asked, clearly trying to hold back his laughter when Harry limped up to his friends at their lockers in school.

It had been a week since Louis had fucked his thighs and Harry was still limping. His thighs weren't that red anymore, but since the skin hadn't fully healed, it caused an irritation every time his thighs rubbed against his jeans. It was only a problem when Harry wore tight jeans, but of course that was the pair he had chosen to wear today since he had therapy later. So, his thighs were still aching, he was still limping, and he was not in the mood for his friends teasing.

"Shut up." Harry grumbled in response as he rubbed his eyes tiredly and leaned against the lockers, in between Niall and Zayn. He was a little cranky this morning since he had gotten very little sleep. It was Louis' fault though. Harry had been about to go to sleep but Louis had texted him, and well, things escalated. It was worth it, without a doubt. But now his temper was shorter, meaning jokes that he would usually think were funny were just annoying to him today.

"Isn't sex therapy supposed to keep you from fucking all day and night?" Zayn chuckled and patted Harry's curls fondly, always amused by Harry's frequent sex life.

"Theoretically yes, therapy is supposed to control my "sex addiction" but it has the opposite effect since my therapist, Louis is sexy enough to be a model, with a porn star worthy cock." Harry replied with a smirk, deciding responding graphically to his friends would shut them up quicker than anything else.

"Harold please! I did not need to know that." Niall groaned while Zayn just rolled his eyes, he had heard about Harry's sex stories too many times to be flustered or even fazed anymore.

"You brought it up." Harry hummed with an innocent smile. "Don't bring it up if you can't handle the response." He continued and proceeded to flick Niall in the head.

"All I'm saying is that you really are a sex addict. I mean, think of all the guys you've had sex with! Do you keep count of how many guys you bend over for?" Niall asked, looking distraught. Probably still from the comment about how hot Louis was. Well it was /true/.

"Niall, your ignorance is showing." Harry scolded with a sigh. "Bending over to take a cock is most certainly not the only way to be fucked. I mean there are so many others. And while bending over is fun, it's also hard to do, especially during rough sex. I mean, it's a bit hard to hold yourself up while you're getting pounded."

"Fuck you! I don't need that mental image in my head all day." Niall groaned and buried his face in his hands, too disturbed to respond or tease Harry any further, which meant Harry's plan had worked.

Harry chuckled at that. "You brought it on yourself. Next time don't tease me about my limp and we won't have this problem." He hummed while Niall grumbled under his breath.

When the bell rang, Zayn helped Harry gather his first period books while Niall made a considerable effort not to laugh, he didn't want to risk having to hear more about Harry's sex life.

"So are you gonna go and have some hot student teacher desk sex next period?" Zayn teased Harry as he closed the locker for him.

"I would with Louis. I'm sure he has a desk; I should ask him next time! But, on the other hand, that might not be a good idea. I probably wouldn't be able to hold myself up." Harry replied thoughtfully.

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