not so innocent...

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harry was too young. he was too young and, ultimately, sinful. ever since the first time he'd visited louis' house, the older boy had been pining after him. thinking about him every passing second. oh, the things louis could do to that sweet, innocent boy...

he moved to their town of doncaster just 4 months ago, and lottie, louis' sister, had said he already practically ran the town. louis laughed and patted her on the back, congratulating the girl for managing to become friends with him. it was all lighthearted sibling banter, but if lottie had known how her brother really felt she would've flipped.

the first time louis saw him was after work on thursday. he remembers it like the second week harry had been attending school with lots, and the pair came out of class with linked arms. harry had this brown, curly hair that fell messily in front of his eyes, curls wild, yet, somehow neat. that's what drew louis in immediately. then it was the eyes. when the boy came closer to his car, louis saw these bright green orbs standing out on pale, markable skin. god, he was beautiful.

"hello, sir," was the first thing he said. and if louis tried to convince you he didn't get a little hard when those words escaped pink, plump, kissable lips, he would've been lying.

"hi," was all he managed before lottie cut in eagerly.

"lou!" she exclaimed, dragging out the u sound, "remember the cute boy i was telling you about?"

louis raised an eyebrow, he was going out with lottie? "yeah, i do recall."

"good, well," she giggled and turned to harry. he giggled as well, "this is harry styles, he moved here last week, from holmes chapel!"

louis didn't care where he'd moved from, all he registered was harry styles. harry styles. of course, his name was sexy, wasn't it? was there one bit of this boy that wouldn't turn him on?

"very nice to meet you harry," and he did the civilised thing, sticking out a hand for the younger one to shake. when harry pulled away he spoke again, "so i assume you two are a... thing?"

harry threw his head back in the most gorgeous laugh. louis wanted to see that exposed neck a but in a different situation.

"no, silly," he turned to lottie who nodded encouragingly, "do i look like i like girls?"

chuckling, louis replied, "perhaps not."

suddenly, "oh my god!"

"what?" harry asked lottie quietly. and well, fuck. he was hot, gay and spoke in such a way that made louis want to shove his c-

he pressed his legs together.

"louis' gay too," lottie clapped her hands together, "you guys should-"

and for some reason, louis was cutting her off, "no."

"why?" both of them said in unison. oh god, harry was looking up at him through thick, lashes, and innocent look plastered on his face. at that moment, louis didn't even register the fact that he hadn't been opposed to going out with him.

"because you're like 14!"

"16," harry corrected, "older than lottie."

louis shut his eyes, regaining control. he was basically underage, after all, "still."

"i know," harry pouted, bottom lip jutting out, "it's such a shame all the hot guys are too old."

lottie nodded as if she understood what he meant, while louis stood there, completely muddled. harry called him hot. harry was fucking teasing him.

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