baby doll

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omg y'all i got tickets to lorde's concert for her solar power tour and i'm so excited, anyways back to top louis enjoy!


It started from an argument about where exactly Harry could stick his "tidiness tips". Louis had yet again left a trail of disaster through the flat when he'd gotten home from a long day at work. Which had, yet again, prompted Harry to follow after him (picking up the mess as he went) and whinge about how he wished Louis would help keep the flat clean. Which lead to them both bickering back and forth like the old married couple most people think they are.

Louis' not sure how "I'm not your housekeeper Lou!" and "You've got the maid outfit for it!" turned into Harry pathetically batting at Louis' chest with balled up fists and Louis tugging on Harry's curls like a bully in primary. He definitely has the details muddled on how that turned into Harry moaning like a pornstar into Louis' mouth as he melted against the wall Louis had him pressed into. But hey, what better way to deal with your frustrations than snogging the embodiment of his current headache until he stops nagging?

It's not the first time they've had a go at each other, though the last times involved questionable sobriety on both their parts and has never gone past sloppy groping and passing out before they got very far. Now, though. Now Louis can appreciate the way Harry grinds down on the leg he'd shoved between Harry's own wobbly baby deer pair. Can drink in the way the taller man's hair is silky and tangled perfectly around his fingers as he yanks Harry's head back to expose his long, pale neck. Can feel the way he loses his own damn mind over why he's never done this sober until now.

"Lou, fuck, touch me, please..." and fuck if he's never been happier to oblige that deep, morbid voice than when it's whimpering in his ear.

He's slipping his hands down, down, down Harry's long body, tweaking perky nipples through an outrageously thin jumper and swallowing the high pitched whine the action elicits. Harry's nipples have always been sensitive, even when he's not writhing like a sex kitten against their hallway wall.

When Louis reaches the waistband of the younger man's painted on white skinnies, he scratches his nails back up Harry's torso, unbelievably soft sweater lifting with the movement. Being sure to drag his nails carefully over Harry's nipples (all fucking four of them, weirdo), he shucks the top off entirely, pulling away from the taste of his flatmates whimpers to admire the pink scratch lines standing out on otherwise flawless pale skin.

"Jesus H, look like you're gonna mess in your jeans already, fuck." Harry's cheeks are botchy with a flush that goes down to his chest and rivaled in colour only by the shade of cherry his plump lips have turned from being kissed and bitten. His whole body is trembling, fingers clinging onto Louis for dear life. His admittedly cute pink frame lenses are askew on his nose, fogged up and reminding Louis that Harry probably hasn't had it off with someone since the last time they had a drunken snog. Or, ever, since they've never technically gotten off during those messy fumblings.

He wants to fix that. He wants to wreck this shivering, annoying, beautiful man he's got pinned to the wall like a rare butterfly, wings fluttering wildly under his gaze.

Harry let's out an overwhelmed hiccup, mumbling what Louis thinks might be a breathy " please " and trying to pull the older man closer again. Louis gets an idea, mainly because he's pretty sure Harry's legs won't support him even to walk the five feet into the nearest bedroom.

"Hazza, baby, wrap your arms around my neck, yeah?" he helps long, unwieldy arms to hug about his shoulders before lifting Harry off the ground and hooking his legs around his waist. Harry squeaks, limbs tightening and face tucking in against Louis' neck, and if they were both more naked and prepared, Louis thinks he'd like to fuck the shy lad up against the wall and see how loud he would get.

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