you'll breathe me in (you won't release) - 4/4

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here's part four of the 'you'll breathe me in (you won't release)'  last one for tonight beauties, enjoy!  also the comments y'all are leaving make me so happy mwah <3


Louis' life is about to be over. He can hear the clock ticking. He can smell the end. It smells like a receding hairline and impotence.

It would have been easier to ignore if everyone else hadn't known about it too. His sisters have already called to make plans, and his mum subtly started asking if he and Harry needed something for the house. The faculty all pitched in to buy him a massive cake from Sainsbury's. The rumour even got around to his students, horrifically enough. A minute before the bell rang, they all circled him on stage and started singing, even Isabelle, who's rather disdainful toward actually performing. Louis wishes they didn't keep such close tabs on him. It's really hard being the most beloved teacher at school sometimes.

"Big three-o, eh? Are you planning something special with Harry?" Greg asks during lunch with a friendly smile.

Louis tries not to appear as annoyed as he feels. He cracks a joke about being a neglected Christmas baby and stuffs his mouth with cake to avoid talking about his deathday or about Harry. Not that he doesn't appreciate the interest, or the fact they all remember Harry's name. It took them some time getting there. Well, time and a crisis.

During his first year at this school, Louis was still in the closet, and one time during lunch he heard one of the biology teachers, a young woman, gossiping about how one of her students was a fairy and she hoped to set a better example for him than his parents who let him "get that way".

Louis overreacted so spectacularly he came out to the faculty and started an LGBT soc for the students, accidentally walking ten awkward and amazing teenagers through discovering their sexual identities. Not that he thought he was qualified to take such a role, but every time he was unsure about something, he just said what he thought Harry would say. (Harry was so proud of him he felt like a fucking superhero, when usually Louis' the one admiring Harry. He's changed over the years, got wittier, sharper, smarter, found things to care about. Sometimes Louis feels like he's just trying to keep up.)

Anyway, Louis' hoping Harry might have forgotten about the birthday. He knows it's unlikely, since his partner has a knack for dates and special occasions, but maybe he forgot the fact Louis' turning thirty.

Louis shivers at the thought, Peter Pan syndrome in full force. This is it, from now on it's counting backwards. It's about buying a sensible car and having polite sex with the lights off and talking about how England has gone to the dogs.

It's about Harry dumping him.

He's kind of expected it. Has been gearing up towards as the date drew closer. He's trying to shut Harry out, not texting unless it's absolutely crucial or hilarious or both. Limits himself to ten kisses per day.

It helps that he and Harry aren't actually speaking right now. They got in a huge row two days ago, mostly because of Louis. Harry was trying to bring up the birthday, hinting at some big surprise he's been planning, and Louis sort of snapped and asked him if he was sure he wouldn't be too busy with recording.

It escalated from there, until Harry was yelling at him, "Why are you making me out to be so flaky? You're the one who won't even hear about starting a family!"

Louis' pretty shitty in conflicts. "Well you're the one going on a bloody national tour with fuck knows who for fuck knows how long!"

Harry's face crumpled and he took a long step forward, but Louis took one back. "Lou, you know we'll figure it out, where is this coming from?"

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