miss sugar pink

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a little top harry to finish off for today besties, also i'm not sure how many chapters wattpas let's you have so imma just keep going enjoy! 


Knock-Knock! "Come in." Harry murmured, too busy, too preoccupied.

"Hello Mr. Styles, I just need to discuss—Oh! Your husband is here..." The older man stuttered, looking only slightly uncomfortable as he looked at the small boy on his boss' lap.

"Yes." He said sharply as Louis clenched around him, slightly rotating his hips, just enough that Harry could feel it, but not such a large movement that it moved his upper body. "Problem?" Harry let out the smallest grunt and Louis smirked ever so lightly.

"Uhm, no... but it's just, it's a bit of a private matter. Only to do with, our special business."

"Rick, he's my husband, don't you think he knows everything?"

"Ah, yes, uh—Of course!" He stammered, not quite sure how to respond.

"Plus, sometimes I let him get a close look at the action, can't have secrets in any happy marriage now can we?" Harry hummed when Louis squeezed tight around him, extremely happy with his husband's response.

Rick nodded, "Of course sir, shall we begin?"

"Mhm, but one thing I need to say is we can't be too long, we have a dinner date planned with his parents. So I will have to cut it short, but we can reschedule?"

"Oh no, don't worry, it's only a discussion as to how we can maintain order around here, as well as our little on the side business." The greying man said, he motioned towards a chair opposite Harry's large desk. "May I sit?"

"'Course. And it's simple really," He paused when Louis leaned into him, canting his hips. Harry pinched his side to try and halt his actions. "We just need to—" Louis shifted, arse rutting down as he turned, facing 'Rick' fully now.

"Need to..? Because a lot of potential workers are coming up dirty."

"What does that mean?" A little distracted the man asked, but then again, when you're supposed to keep a calm composure but your needy little husband is riding your cock, clenching and shifting constantly, it's not very easy to stay cool and collected.

He shrugged slightly, "Two workers that could've been perfect turned out to be informants for the police. Another was planning to take us down, and three others were trying to kill you and your, uhm, husband." He said, slightly uneasy.

"Okay, well, keep doing these extensive checks on those who want to work here, it's the only way we can keep this going and stay away from the police." Harry said briefly. "I would also appreciate it if you would not look so uncomfortable when saying 'husband'. It's rude and quite frankly offensive."

Oh how red in the face he went, "I am very sorry sir!" He stumbled over his words, constantly repeating the same sentence as he pleaded the man with his eyes.

"Not to me. To Louis." Harry placed his large hands on Louis' hips. Pushing the lad back and forward on his lap. "Go a little quicker love." He whispered in his ear.

Rick's neck looked about ready to snap off, the guy hadn't stopped nodding (agreeing) with Harry for a second! "I am very, very sorry Louis."

"I'd prefer Mr. Styles," Harry pinched his arse at the rude remark, "But I accept your apology. I understand that you older folk were brought up in a different time." He smiled lightly, the slightest quirk of his thin lips.

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