tea and a blowjob, in that order

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back to top louis because you know i love that and i can't help myself :))


Thursday morning has Harry rolling out of bed before his alarm has the chance to go off. He fumbles for his phone, keen to shut it off before it rings and wakes Louis up. Not that Louis would so much as twitch even if the alarm had gone off. He's sprawled across Harry, one of his arms is thrown possessively over the bare skin of Harry's waist and their naked legs twisted together under the sheets. Louis is dead to the world and he'd stay that way as long as Harry let him, snoring softly into the back of Harry's neck.

Harry takes a minute to enjoy the warmth of being pressed close like this. It sets a low heat simmering in his belly to have Louis' naked body so close. It's easy to push the beginnings of lust away when he knows what will come later. For now, Harry sets about carefully extricating himself from Louis' tangle of limbs. Louis slurs something against the pillow before turning over and wrapping himself in the duvet until only his hair sticks out of the blanket. Harry stifles a laugh and shakes his head before searching for clothes, a small smile on his face.

Pajama pants that were half kicked under the bed get pulled up his legs but Harry doesn't bother to stop for a shirt before padding out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen.

Mornings are Harry's favorite time of day in some ways. Even though his Service begins as soon as he wakes up, these early moments are just for him, to help him prepare to do his best for the rest of the day.

The soft light streaming through the large windows in the living room reaches all the way to the kitchen baseboards, warming Harry's toes as he pops bread in the toaster. He gnaws absently on a banana and looks out onto the fire escape where the neighbor's cat is sunning herself while he waits for the kettle to boil. He lets the tea steep as he eats his toast and then adds a little bit of milk, no sugar, and carries the mug of tea back into the bedroom.

"Louis," Harry murmurs as he sets the tea carefully on the bedside table. All he gets in reply is a grunt from somewhere under the mountain of blankets on the bed. Harry tries not to laugh as he carefully peels the blankets back. Like this, squinty and sleep soft with his hair sticking up all over the place, Louis looks more like a grumpy kitten than a Dom, certainly not someone that would inspire Harry to Serve like he does. Harry's used to people not understanding him, not understanding them . He's learned to let the judgements roll off him like water off a duck's back.

"It's time to get up, boo," Harry coaxes, holding the tea up temptingly when Louis' eyes narrow. Louis sits up reluctantly and swings his bare legs over the side of the bed before he reaches up to gratefully accept the mug.

"I hate mornings," Louis rasps as Harry sinks to the floor in front of Louis, settling himself between Louis' legs that spread to accommodate him. Harry scoffs softly as the low thrum of arousal that's fluttered in his stomach all morning finally solidifies. Even half hard, Louis' morning wood has Harry's mouth watering. Their morning ritual has always been one of the best parts of Harry's day.

"No, you don't," Harry says softly. He has to hunch a bit to do it, but he leans in and presses sweet, open-mouthed kisses from the base of Louis' shaft to the fat head of his cock. Louis hardens quickly under his attentions and it's no time at all before he starts dribbling precome. Louis' got a wet dick and Harry adores that about him; Harry can't help painting his lips with Louis' slick before licking it right back off with a happy sigh.

"Yes, I do!" Louis insists, his fingers finding their way to the hair at the nape of Harry's neck. He'd cut it short at the beginning of the summer after growing it out for years and it's only now starting to get to a length Louis can pull on again. "You just barely make them bearable, darling. I don't know what I'd do without you."

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