i'm shameless when it comes to loving you

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and here's part 2 to 'welcome to the mansion' series, there's only 2 parts so enjoy!!


"Wow, your arse looks awful red, H." Liam's brow is furrowed in concern as he uses his hand on Harry's hip to turn him and examine his bottom. "What'd he do to you this time?"

Harry rubs his bottom lip between his thumb and index finger, contemplating. "First he used his hand, then he brought out the paddle. Twenty spanks in all? I think."

"Fuck, and you can take that much?" Liam gently runs the pad of his thumb over one of Harry's cheeks and the younger boy hisses. He's still feeling a little fuzzy and the pain only intensifies that.

Ever since he wormed his way into Louis' room three months ago, he hasn't really left. Before, he was free to roam the house all day and do as he pleased whereas now he was content to come and go at Louis' request; these days, he was mostly coming (HA, get it, coming. Harry's good at puns).

"Once I drop it's not so bad." Harry reaches up and twirls a stray curl around his finger. He's taken to wearing headscarves around the house, that way it's less likely to get greasy and dirty when, say, Louis is coming on his face.

"That's impressive, Christ. He tried that on me a few weeks ago and I nearly used the safeword it hurt so bad." Liam, bless him, doesn't notice when Harry cringes a bit.

It's just. See, Louis is his. Harry's not even a very possessive person but he doesn't like to share daddy with anyone. Even someone as nice and loving as Liam. So sue him if he happens to forget that he's not the only one sneaking in and out of the room at the end of the hall on the third floor. He does take pride in the fact that he seems to be the only one in the house who can handle the spanking and choking and bondage. Making no noise as Louis ate him out and managing to come untouched while tied up to the headboard are two of Harry's long-standing achievements.

"Harry?" Both boys look up at Niall's voice. He's flushed bright red, lovebites sucked into his neck and sweat pooling in the dips of his collarbones. "Uh, Louis was asking for you. He also said he left you something on your bed, so. Check there first."

Something flutters inside Harry's tummy and he detaches himself from Liam's wandering hands. "Thanks, Ni. Have a good time?"

Niall flushes even more, hand nervously coming up to brush away the hair that's stuck to his forehead. "He's riled up today, that's for sure. The bruises on my hips won't fade for at least a week."

Liam gives a murmur of approval while Harry leans in to kiss his cheek. "I'll take that as a yes then."

He leaves the two boys to chat in favor of heading past the kitchen and to the spiral staircase. He takes two at a time, skipping down the hall to his room where he stops before entering. Taking a deep breath, Harry cracks the door open, peeks inside before seeing that it's safe to enter. Louis' is notorious for buying extravagant gifts for all the Bunnies. God only knows what's in store for Harry.

Surprisingly, all that's different in his room is a small pink box sitting innocently at the foot of his bed. There's a tiny bow on top as well as a note.

Try this on for size, Cinderella. Then come to my room and give daddy a show .xx

So, new clothes of some sort. Harry hides a grin in the palm of his hand as he slips off the ribbon and opens the top of the box. Under a layer of soft pink tissue paper sits a folded piece of cloth. Upon taking it out and holding it up in front of him, Harry realizes it's a tiny skirt. It's pleated and cotton, powder blue and lovely. Harry hops up quickly from his bed and slips the skirt on in front of his full-length mirror.

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