but i'll still take you home

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There's a boy. There are always boys, and lads, and men, surrounding him when he parties, but this one is... something.

For one, Louis' never seen him before. That's a bit fucked up, seeing as this is his own party in his own flat. For another, he hasn't made a move on Louis. Not that that's unusual, he's not some arsehole who has to be the centre of attention all the time, except for when he is and when there are boys who keep glancing at him coyly with their ridiculously green eyes and bouncy curls but won't actually come chat him up.

It's not like Louis isn't making himself available. He's in his black jeggings and red scoop-neck shirt. Three people have already clapped him on the back and asked if he's trying to pull. Of course he is, it's his last term at uni and he's going out with a bang. He'd quite like to bang this boy, even when he seems more interested in laughing with Niall and smiling at anyone but Louis.

"Who is that?" Louis asks finally, keeping his eyes on him.

Zayn laughs on an exhale. "You mean jailbait over there?"

Louis elbows him hard, nearly making the spliff fall from his lips. "He doesn't look that young."

Okay, he kind of does. His eyes are too big and his smile is too nervous, he looks as innocent and fresh as a Disney character, but. He's tall and his shoulders are broad and he looks like he could use a good time. Louis could show him a good time.

Zayn rolls his eyes. "Remember Gemma, Niall's ex? That's her brother."

Louis doesn't really remember Gemma, and thank god for that. If he did and it turned out she'd mentioned that her fit brother was like, fifteen, Louis would feel really shitty about wanting to pin him down and throw his long legs over his shoulders. Right now he can maintain the illusion the boy is eighteen. And bendy. He resolutely doesn't ask Zayn how old he is. There are more important things. "Think he's straight?"

Zayn laughs again. He's so giggly when he's high, Louis loves him like this. "He's been drooling over at least one of us for twenty minutes, I think you have a shot."

Like he senses they're talking about him, the boy turns his head, making his soft-looking curls flutter majestically over his ears. He gives them one look, catches them both looking back, and then bites his full bottom lip and ducks his head, flustered. He fixes his fringe with alarmingly large hands. It might be the weed talking, but Louis thinks he could just watch his thick hair do things for hours. "Drooling, but no seduction. I wanna touch his hair."


Louis frowns up at him. Zayn is being really unsupportive right now. "Let's get his attention."

Zayn takes a hit with an arched eyebrow. He opens his mouth, probably to ask Louis what the fuck he's on about now, but Louis moves in and sucks the smoke right from between his lips. He lets his eyes drift shut as he inhales deep, barely hears it when Zayn curses him out. Really, Louis can't even resent Niall for keeping the boy's attention; he always has good drugs on him. (It's also physically impossible to resent Niall Horan for any reason.)

He exhales slowly and then leans forward to actually give Zayn an indulgent peck on the lips. Zayn giggles startlingly loud and shoves Louis away, making him splay on the sofa and spread his legs contentedly. When he finally opens his eyes, he has to blink a couple of times to clear his head, and then again when he accidentally locks eyes with the boy right away.

The boy's face is a nice shade of pink that Louis thinks complements his pretty, soft features. Practically anything would complement them though, the boy's beautiful. Louis can't keep his eyes off him, and for once, the boy doesn't seem intent on looking away either. There are a few feet (and people) separating them, but Louis likes to think he's staring at Louis' mouth. He smirks at him, and the boy laughs in response, before covering his mouth quickly. Enough's enough. "I'm going in."

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