give it to me (i'm worth it)

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It wasn't that Louis wasn't aware of how good Harry would look in red short shorts, it was the fact that he looked even better than Louis had hoped for, and that was saying something for sure.

They were all in short shorts and jerseys as part of a dodgeball skit for their interview on James Corden's The Late Late Show. It could've been seen as stupid and scripted, but Louis himself found the entirety of the skit quite funny and certainly rewarding.

Harry looked so thick and beautiful in those shorts. Maybe Louis was whipped, yes. But Harry certainly did look amazing and Louis was having a difficult time taking his eyes away from Harry's bum and thighs.

Louis watched with nervous eyes on the basketball court as James picked Harry up and tossed him over his shoulder. Louis laughed, trying not to stare too bluntly at Harry's ass on James' shoulder. It was hard to look away and hide the jealousy of Harry getting manhandled right in front of him.

Earlier in the skit, Louis had to watch Harry doing sit ups into James' crotch, and Louis had to watch with a burning jealousy at just how much Harry enjoyed it. To say it had been a rough day filming would be an understatement.

Louis watched out of the corner of his eye as James slapped Harry's ass and it took all of his self control not to walk over there. Earlier, during their filming, Louis had been forced watch the way Harry's ass jiggled as he ran and tossed dodgeballs at girls and now he suffered from James slapping Harry's ass. Louis had had enough.

They finally finished their filming the skit after what felt like years of Louis watching how slutty Harry acted in his extra small shorts and wiggling his bum every chance he got. Harry wasn't stupid though, he knew exactly what he was doing. Every time Harry teased, Louis was more determined than ever to show Harry who's in charge.

The crew was walking out of the gym in a group with James, appearing to be talking about the skit and how it went overall. Soon, it was just Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis left in the gym.

Liam and Niall were halfway to the door when they turned around, realizing the other two weren't behind them. Louis could only stare blankly at them, rapidly trying to think of an excuse as to why he wants to stay behind other than I want my husband to sit on my face in the locker room.

There was a loud pause as Liam just stared at Louis, who was awkwardly standing underneath where the basketball goal should be. Harry, in the meanwhile, was somewhere behind Louis. Liam just sighed.

"Just hurry up," he said. "Make it fast."

Louis saluted him. "Yes, sir."

Niall rolled his eyes as both him and Liam turned around and headed out the door. The door hadn't even shut yet when Louis darted across the court towards Harry, who had his hands behind his back innocently.

"Don't act so innocent," Louis all but growled as he forced their mouths together before Harry could reply. His hands slithered to Harry's waist, feeling the jersey underneath his fingertips.

"Lou-" Harry broke their frantic kiss, making Louis attach to his neck. He wanted to feel Harry so desperately, in any sort of way. His boy looked so beautiful and Louis couldn't control himself.

"Up," Louis' hands fell to the back part of Harry's thighs as he urged him up. Harry let out a whine, immediately going to put his arms around Louis' neck as he hopped up in his arms. Louis grunted, feeling Harry's legs wrap around his waist tightly. Louis tug his fingers into Harry's bum, squeezing it tightly.

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