beach day

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these next three are probably some of my favourite smut i've ever read, enjoy!


The warm, sandy beaches of Los Angeles has always been one of Harry's favorite places to be. The crowded boardwalks and tanning teenagers, the street performers and children building sand castles. The entire thing is truly enticing. Unfortunately Harry doesn't get to go often. With school always on the 21 year old's mind, there's never any time for it. He even spent last spring break on the opposite end of the world where warm doesn't mean the same thing as it does back home in California. Now though, as spring comes to a close and summer begins and his final exams are completely out of the way, Harry has nothing but time. And damn him if the first place he visits once the semester is officially over isn't Venice Beach.

Sadly for him, Harry loves Louis too much to dare go without him. And also sadly for him, it takes more than just suggesting the beach to Louis for him to agree considering the man absolutely despises it. There's no surprise when he just won't wake up that Tuesday morning, the beginning of the only week Louis has off. "Louis," Harry whines for the umpteenth time, shaking Louis' lifeless arm in his grasp. By this point he already showered and dressed, half an hour passed since he first woke up and attempted to wake Louis up as well.

"Harry," Louis grumbles in response, not pulling his arm away but instead curling more comfortably towards him. Harry groans and drops his arm before climbing onto the bed.

"Louis you promised," the younger man says with a huff, again shaking his body. Louis lets out a breath and turns his head to peek up at his boyfriend. Harry gives him his best puppy dog eyes, now that he finally has the chance to see his face.

"We British men don't do well in the heat Harry," Louis mumbles, blinking slowly and letting out a yawn afterward. Harry smiles when he begins to sit up.

"I love the heat," Harry says excitedly, getting off the bed and hurrying over to their large window on the other side of the room. He quickly pushes away the curtains to let in all the sunlight. Louis groans again. "It's gorgeous Lou," he says, arms in the air as he takes in the view. Of course it's only a street view but, it works.

"That's because you're from here," Louis says grumpily and Harry turns to see him rolling out of bed. His feet drag against the carpet and his hand scratches at his scalp. Harry rolls his eyes.

"I'm not from here," Harry insists as Louis slowly makes his way to the bathroom.

"You've lived here most of your life, same difference," Louis says with a wave of his hand. Harry pouts and goes around to sit on the bed, watching as his boyfriend turns the faucet on and prepares his toothbrush.

"The heat means shorts weather and tanning and ice cream and... and pools and beaches," Harry says, eyes wide as he speaks, not understanding how Louis can't just love it. A smile crosses Louis' lips though as he listens to his boy ramble on. He may hate the beach and the summer but he loves seeing his absolute favorite person in the world happy.

"Alright alright," Louis says after he spits out the paste and rinses his mouth. He brings a towel to his mouth and wipes himself off. "I admit it's not the worst thing," he says, turning to walk across the bedroom to where Harry is sat. His hands cup the boy's cheeks and he leans down to kiss him.

"It's the best," Harry mumbles against his lips with a smile

"Don't push it," Louis laughs, kissing him a few more times around his face until Harry is giggling as well.

The beach is as crowded as expected considering it's about three weeks into the summer. Many, many tourists are lining the streets and making traffic heavier. Harry has his window down, observing his surroundings while Louis drives down packed streets seeking out a parking spot. The fresh sea air is already hitting his skin and blowing his hair back. It's a wonderful feeling. The only thing that brings him back is Louis' fingers tightening around his. Harry turns to look at him, his smile bright. If he wasn't wearing sunglasses Louis would be able to see it reach his eyes. "Your hair's a right mess," Louis chuckles, making Harry scrunch up his nose. He uses his other hand to smooth what he can down.

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