that shadow holding me hostage

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Louis doesn't say anything, just shoves popcorn into his mouth and waits because he knows Harry can't leave a petty argument alone.

"Bollocks is what it is..." Harry continues, then falls silent again. More popcorn makes its way into Louis' mouth as he waits patiently for Harry to pipe back up.

Sure enough, not thirty seconds later, Harry speaks up again, much more indignant this time. "Lou. I do not get turned on easily. S'not true."

Louis laughs at the fire in Harry's tone, throwing his hands up. "Haz, 'm not trying to say it's weird or, like...bad or anything. It's just a fact, that's all."

Harry huffs and crosses his arms. "It is not." He pouts and settles back into the pillows of their king-size bed.

Louis quirks an eyebrow at him, intent on raising the stakes. "Oh yeah?"

Harry juts his bottom lip out and nods resolutely. "Yeah."

"Okay," Louis replies easily. "Then you're willing to put your money where your mouth is, I take it?"

Harry balks at that, sputtering. Louis grins smugly at him, calmly eating more popcorn. "Hey, hey, hey - I'm just repeating what you said, aren't I? You say you don't get turned on easily, I politely disagree. So let's throw a twenty on it, hm?"

Harry's about to argue again, then he stops and thinks for a second. He folds his arms again. "Fifty. And that new vibrator I wanted."

Louis smirks, offering his hand to shake. He knew Harry wouldn't be able to resist a bet. "That's more like it."

Harry narrows his eyes. "So what exactly are the terms?"

Louis considers the question, humming thoughtfully. God, this could be so deliciously fun if he does it the right way. "I 'spose there has to be, like, a limit on coming, right? Otherwise you're proving my point for me." Harry half rolls his eyes, but nods in agreement. Louis continues. "So maybe... Maybe we just... don't get off? For the whole duration of the bet, however long you make it?"

The duvet obscures Harry even further as he groans heavily and scrubs his hands down his face in dramatic anguish. "No, I can't do that, Lou - you know how I am. Give me something. Like... like a second chance, or three strikes or whatever?"

"Haz, you do realize how needy that sounds, right?" Louis teases, grinning to himself, but Harry's made a valid point. It'd almost be too cruel to not to let him come at all - he won't be able to hold out otherwise. "Okay. Three strikes it is, then. But... I think you'll still have an issue with, like, keeping your hands to yourself. Those three strikes'll go pretty quick."

Harry cocks his head. "What d'you mean?"

"Well, you're not exactly the world's least enthusiastic lover, Haz."

Harry shrugs. "So?"

"So, I think you might not be able to handle yourself if you got me off during the bet. It might...y'know..."

"...Inspire me?" Harry offers, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Get you hard, more like." Of course, Louis is right - Harry comes just from sucking Louis off so often that it's become a regular thing; their bet still won't last, even if Louis gives him three free passes to get off.

Harry sighs defeatedly. "Fine, yeah. You're right. So - what, three strikes for getting off while we're together, then?"

Louis stretches and yawns, still thinking. "Nah, that'd almost be too easy. What if... What if we try not to, like, get hard at all while we're together? Now that would be a challenge." He laughs a little to himself. "For some of us more than others..." Harry rolls his eyes and tosses a pillow at his head, but it misses and tumbles down somewhere near Aristotle, their ancient 12-year-old cat. Aristotle hisses and stalks toward their walk-in closet.

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