there's all sorts of shapes that i bet you can make

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this one is actually two parts put into one, they're the same fic just the first chapter didn't have smut so i just added them together, enjoy!


It all started when an omega by the name of Harry wandered into the royal castle in the middle of the kingdom of Canyon Moon. Harry was in new territory, just having moved from the small nearby village of Cheshire Lake. His mother, now a teacher at the kingdom's most prestigious school. Harry, 18 and newly presented omega, having finished his schooling, wandered around the kingdom in search of whatever he could find. Having finished school in his old village, Harry had no friends in the kingdom. The kingdom itself was built around the king's castle. The castle looked like a mansion in the middle of town with its rounded towers and high beams. The country flag flying high in the air next to the crest of Tomlinson. King Louis Tomlinson was the most feared alpha ruler in all the land and the rumors of him were known throughout villages far and wide. Harry decided he didn't believe the rumors and he wanted to see for himself just how vicious this king Louis was truly feared to be.

Harry didn't mind being alone, he was always the kind of child much happier playing in the fields with the birds and the flowers. Nature called to him and animals were drawn to his childlike wonder and easygoing energy. Any given afternoon one could find Harry lying in the grass by Cheshire Lake, diligently studying with his head in a book. Now that his studies were over and they no longer lived in Cheshire Lake, Harry had much more free time to explore the new kingdom of which he lived.

The castle grounds were anything but was he was used to in Cheshire, the lawns all manicured, bright green with exotic plants and flowers. Harry bent down to smell the sweet nectar and gave a buzzing greeting to the bees humming their way through the gardens.

There were no guards around the castle and that is the way that Louis preferred it. He enjoyed keeping watch of his kingdom from many of the high towers the surrounded the castle. Sure, he had maids and cooks and servants, but they weren't anything like the guards Louis knew as a young child Prince. Now as an adult King at the age of 25, he lives and rules alone. No one dares to cross King Louis, well aware of his reputation proceeding him. His mother, an omega, died when he was very young and his father, a strict alpha, left the guards in charge of him while he ruled the kingdom of Canyon Moon. Everything Louis' knows he learnt from his fathers actions or from the books that Louis read. As a child prince, Louis' childhood was far different than anyone in the neighboring villages. He had his tutors and his schoolwork. He had horseback riding and archery. Louis' knew everything there was to know about being a king, but at aged 18, when his father fell ill, he never knew he would have to use his knowledge so soon.
Hardened by his loss, Louis grew from a lonesome, knowledge seeking child into a rough and demanding alpha ruler. He took all that he could get and never gave anything back, too afraid of what he might lose if he showed any grace or mercy. His father had taught him one of the most important things was to never show any weakness, as an alpha and most especially as a ruler.

Now as he watched this young omega, smelling the flowers in the castle's garden, Louis grew restless. He was bored. He had a staff full of omega's who would bend and yield to his every whim. Make no mistake Louis took full advantage of that and he did nothing to quell the rumors of his harsh personality. Louis wanted a new challenge. There was only so much he could torture the omega servants, before he even got bored of that. Tired of the same of smells. Sure, he always had an omega to knot, but it never quite quelled the restless pit he felt in the bottom of his stomach. He did all he could to ignore it. Drowned himself in luxury, the finest silks and furs that money could buy. Archery sets that were top of the line and the most gorgeous mares to ride wherever he wanted. As an alpha king, Louis had tremendous freedom and wealth but couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

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