for dine-in or carry-out?

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hey lovelies, i'm back with only a few shots tonight because i'm having a little trouble finding good ones but i'll make do just for y'all don't worry. i do wanna get this book to 200 chapters so we'll see. I was thinking of writing my own maybe should I? anyways, enjoy!!!


"Will that be all for you?" Louis asked, hand landing on his thigh against the hem of his skirt.

The man in the well-fitting suit looked up the line of Louis' body, smirking as he said, "No, babe, I want so much more."

Louis flushed, but rolled his eyes. "That is not going to happen." The words were forceful, but his voice was a giggle, making the man lean in and rest his chin on his fist. "Seriously," Louis urged at the glint in his eye. "Stop it," he whined, smile sneaking onto his face.

"When are you off?" the man continued, hand reaching out and tugging on the short hem of Louis' skirt. Louis flicked his hand away, eyes cheating to the ceiling as they squinted with his grin.

"Late," he quipped.

"Perfect, I'm a night owl anyway."

The blue-eyed boy leaned down on his elbows, back arched, making his crop top slide up his torso. He looked out from under his lashes at the man and tapped his fingers on the cheap diner table. "I don't normally do this." Louis internally rolled his eyes at his own line. "I'm off at midnight."

"I'll be here," the man assured and tickled a soft touch up Louis' tan arm. Louis licked over his lips and walked away with a glance over his shoulder to put the man's order into the kitchen.


"Baby, that perfect ass- fuck."

Louis rolled his eyes, hand working himself over as he tried to ignore the man's voice and focus on the cock working his hole open. The diner lights were off, except for the overnight ones glowing a dim yellow across the bar counter. Louis was bent over a table with his chosen customer of the day pounding into him from behind. He shifted his weight, trying to get the rich businessman to hit him right where he needed it, but the man was frantic in his thrusts, focused on getting himself off using Louis' body.

He was going to have to settle for taking care of himself again, hopefully before this guy was done. He dropped his other hand down, supporting himself on the table with his shoulders while he gave his mostly hard cock sharp tugs and fondled his sac. He could feel it, the burn was there. He squeezed his eyes shut, tuned out the pretty boy loves my cock grunted from behind him, and worked himself closer.

The man took a fistful of Louis skirt, hiked up on his hips, and tugged as he groaned and filled the condom. Louis cursed him in his head, fisting over his cockhead and moaning through gritted teeth. The customer pulled out and Louis flexed his jaw in annoyance before the hand tugging on his balls reached around and pushed two fingers in his now empty hole. He fucked himself desperately, begging his own fingers to be a little longer, reach a little further.

He scissored his fingers in his hole, letting the heat coil in his gut. The rich man gave his ass a slap, chuckling before Louis heard the rustle of clothing. He ignored that as well, letting his veins light with the pleasure of touching himself. His orgasm tingled through his body, finally washing over him as he groaned and pressed his forehead to the table, coming over his fist. Exhausted, Louis slumped forward on the table to catch his breath.


"The kids want chicken tenders, please," the man with the thick, blond quiff informed. He turned to the woman sitting next to him. "What do you want?" She looked over the menu before pointing out the grilled BLT and asking for a Diet Coke to go with it.

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