touch my neck and i'll touch yours

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During the course of her 21 years of living, Louis' learnt that the universe only works with you and never against you. She's learnt that the world is good to you only if you're good to the world and he's learnt that love comes to you when you allow love to.

Right now, there's a beautiful boy next to her and this beautiful boy is driving her along the Pacific Coast Highway from Santa Monica to Zuma Beach in Malibu. Louis can promise you that she's never felt more liberated and free in her entire life.

"Louis," Harry warns, attempting to shake Louis' wandering hands off of his body. "Baby, stop." He tries again, unable to stop himself from grinning when Louis lets out a laugh that sounds crisp and clear despite the noise from the radio, and the wind, around them.

"You're smiling," she purrs, grinning and attempting to tuck a wild strand of hair behind her studded ears. "You like me touching you." She says, moving her hand down his chest to rest just above his groin. When Harry groans loudly, she cackles and brings her hand to cup Harry's jaw whilst she kisses his neck and ear.

Harry grunts."Stop Lou."

The white Jeep convertible they're in is doing nothing good for Louis' long tresses except blow them rapidly around her face and tangle them together. Her hands don't stop roaming Harry's body. She doesn't want to stop and she knows he doesn't want her to either. The adrenaline pumping through her blood makes her feel invincible. She nibbles on Harry's earlobe, tightens the grip she has on the back of his neck and smirks when she feels a shiver shoot down his spine.

"Do you really want me to stop?" She asks him softly, tucking her face into the crook of his neck. Her hair blows against his cheek and just the mere thought of touching her ignites Harry's bones as she plays with the buttons of his jeans, eyes now staring straight ahead at the never-ending road they're on.

Harry bites his lip and tightens the grip he has on the steering wheel. He pushes his foot harder against the accelorating pedal and when the car suddenly jolts forward, Louis flies back against her seat, tilts her head back and lets out a laugh loud enough for all of the world to laugh along with. Harry glances at her quickly and marvels at the moment he captures her in-eyes closed, head tipped back and mouth open in a silent scream of joy.He looks back to the road, smile still adorning his face, and tries not to blush when he feels Louis' eyes on him.

He's so beautiful, she thinks. She can barely help herself when she leans over to run her index fingers along the sharp edges of his jawline. He glances at her quickly, again, and she quickly notices the mischevious glint swimming in his bright emerald eyes.

"Would you stop staring at me?" He shouts over the wind, tearing his gaze off of her. Louis loves him! She loves him so much! The feeling swallows her whole and she laughs again, loudly and with no worries of exclaiming her feelings.

"I love you!" she tells him, sitting up on her knees and stretching over all the things between them to plant a kiss on his cheek. "I love you so much."

She runs her hands down his arm and giggles when she feels goose bumps appear on the surface of his skin.

"Don't be nervous baby," she whispers to him, taking note of the nervous but excited energy coming from him. "It's just me. It's always just me."

Harry rolls his eyes despite his jittery nerves. His stomach is filled to the brim with butterflies and he gags inwardly at how much of a sap Louis turns him into. She's the only girl who's ever made him feel like this- whatever this is- and he loves the feeling she makes him feel just as much as he hates it.

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