i'll let you take care of me

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Note: this one is pretty kinky so enjoy :)


Harry knew how much Louis absolutely adored marking him. Whether it was sucking a dark purple bruise to Harry's pale throat or smacking his bum bright red, the feeling of leaving Harry's skin marked as his made Louis ecstatic.
Harry never really put much thought into it, just knew that he loved it too so he just let his boyfriend do whatever he pleased to him, and it always ended with Harry's skin bitten and/or sucked on - which only contributed to the pain that Harry oh so dearly loved. Harry loved when it hurt, when it got downright unbearable and nothing turned him on more than when Louis put clamps on his sensitive nipples (and fuck, when he pulls on the chain, it makes Harry feel like me might explode from the intense pleasure) or when he just simply bites down into his pierced earlobe, Louis' request, and swirls his tongue around the white jewel. Maybe Harry loves the hurting even more than Louis loves marking him, but to be honest, Harry doubts it. Louis was absolutely crazy about it.

Never did Harry think that it all could send Louis over the edge though. It had happened several times, when Louis was pounding into Harry from behind (something he loved almost as much as bruising Harry's throat) and as he leaned down to suck a harsh hickey to Harry's shoulder he came harder than ever, spilling into his whimpering boyfriend as he kissed over the mark.
Harry always wanted to make Louis feel good and oh boy how good he felt when he pulled out of him, still hazy, and saw the infinte number of love bites down Harry's spine (and maybe a few tearstains from when Louis had cried from the orgasmic pleasure, but oh well, no one needed to know that right?)

It was now the 23rd of december, a cold winter night, and also the day before Harry's dear boyfriends 24th birthday and Harry couldn't be more excited. Tonight he was getting Louis' present that was waiting in the post office since Harry had ordered a customized gift online (and it was certainly not from www.sexystuff.com. Nope, not at all.)
Harry knew how much Louis would adore his birthday gift and how much it was going to be used in the future. Hopefully it would be tomorrow. Harry was almost 100% sure that it would, Louis was one eager man. Not that Harry wasn't, yesterday he was practically bouncing in excitement since Louis had promised that he was going to get to bounce on his cock later. A lot of bouncing for Harry's part.

Harry was practically skipping down the snow covered sidewalk, all giddy and excited to pick up Louis' gift. See? Harry wasn't any better.

Snowflakes were falling from the cloudy night sky, one landing on his rosy cheek and it was cold, so cold and all Harry wanted to do in the moment was to cuddle up in the arms of his man. Louis liked it when Harry called him names like daddy, sir, his man. It made him feel like he owned Harry, that he was his and no one else's. Maybe Harry kinda liked that too. (Oops.)

'Are you having fun princess?' Louis texted him when he had passed the park that they shared theit first kiss at, that day two years ago when Harry was just 16 and love was oh so new, so exciting. Harry could still feel the rush in his veins when Louis had gripped his waist and placed his soft lips on his.

Harry's so in love with Louis. He almost stopped in his tracks just to stare at that tree, at that tree that Louis carved in L+H with a heart around it and an arrow through the heart. They called it their promise, that as long as that tree stood there they would love each other, and it was so beautiful to Harry because he knew that that tree would stand there forever and so would his love for Louis.

Louis had wanted to come with Harry when he said that he was going to the mall ( a little white lie) but he quickly said that he was going to get a manicure and it would only be boring for Louis to join. Harry knew that Louis wouldn't mind, he had told Harry that it was okay to lie if you were protecting someone. Harry was protecting the surprise.
It hurt Harry just a tiny bit to see Louis' face fall slightly as he nodded and told Harry that he would hang out with Zayn instead. Zayn was nice company though, so Harry didn't cave to Louis' puppy eyes and excited their shared flat.

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