an extra special halloween treat

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hey besties felt like updating with more today so enjoy! 


Harry loved Halloween; he has ever since he was a child. He remembered he used to love looking at all the decorations for it, all the various scary costumes, and just all the possibilities. You could go for a suggestive costume, a funny costume, a scary costume, or anything in between. There were so many possibilities of things that you could do or wear for it. Harry usually went all out on his costumes, and he usually planned his outfit weeks before, but since he was preoccupied with their busy schedule he had gotten distracted and lost track of time. The first time Harry had even thought about what he was going to do for Halloween this year, was when he was cuddled up to his boyfriend Louis on the couch, as they discussed their schedule for the next few weeks.

"Harry you know what day it is right?" Louis asked as he played with Harry's soft curls. He knew how much his boyfriend loved Halloween and he was almost positive it had slipped his mind from how hectic their days had been.

"Uh, no what day?" Harry asked slowly and a bit lazily since he was kind of out of it, he had just been enjoying the way Louis' hands felt on his hair and not really thinking about the calendar.

Louis chuckled and shook his head fondly since Harry was always in his own little world. "It's a week until Halloween. And on Halloween we're gonna be in Japan... Going to that party that the crew has been talking about for weeks... Do you really not remember this?" Louis asked slowly as he looked over at Harry's blank face.

Harry just shook his head, since he did not remember any talk of parties but he didn't really dwell on that since it was Halloween in a week! "What are you gonna be?" Harry asked. "I know we can't match, but maybe it'll help give me ideas." Harry added thoughtfully.

"I think I'm gonna be a vampire. Think I could pull it off?" Louis grinned as he bared his teeth. "I'm gonna paint my face white and wear black and I would say I'd wear fangs but I think my teeth are good enough."

"Your teeth are sharp enough, I should know! You bite me all the time." Harry teased and Louis just laughed and pressed his lips to Harry's, which ended the conversation. Harry wasn't that worried about figuring out a costume right now, he would figure something out.


As the week went by, Harry became more and more nervous about what he was going to be. Louis of course had already figured out his costume, and had already bought everything he was going to wear. Liam had figured out early in the week that he was going to be David Beckham and since he already had a jersey for that, his costume was set as well. He knew Niall was buying his kiss costume today with Zayn, which meant Harry was the only one without a clue. If Harry didn't decide what he wanted to be soon, his costume might be as bad as Eleanor's completely unoriginal cat costume.

"Gemma I'm gonna look so bad if I don't have any costume! What's the point in going to a Halloween party without a costume?" Harry whined as he looked up at his sister. "We just arrived in Japan which means two more days and then the party! I'm fucked."

"If I tell you we can go shopping before the show will you shut up?" Gemma sighed as she looked up to her phone. As she rolled her eyes at Harry's huge smile and loud "yes!" in response, she got up and tossed the keys to Harry. "Well let's go then."


As soon as they pulled into the mall complex, Harry got out and grabbed a map and handed it to Gemma. "Let's go to the costume store for ideas and then if we have to go to any other stores to get accessories we'll do that." Gemma suggested and pointed to where they'd have to go. Harry just smiled and followed Gemma, since the excitement of being involved in Halloween was already coming back to him.

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