until you can't

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"Remember that time I made you come like, three times in a night?" Louis asks casually.

Harry's head snaps up from where he's digging through their suitcases for clean pants. "What?" he asks. Louis is still focused on the telly, where he's clicking through channels, never settling on one for too long. He glances over briefly, half a smile directed at Harry before he looks back at the screen. Harry shudders, dropping the towel he'd been running through his hair and stepping over to the bed, shoving Louis over and straddling him. He's still drippy, and Louis huffs, blusters at water hitting his face and tee-shirt with Harry's movements, but he's smiling for real now, large and brilliant. Smug. "Yeah, I remember," Harry says, finding Louis' wrists and pushing them into the mattress above his head, grinning back. "Why?"

"Wanna do it again," Louis says, tips his chin back so that they can watch each other better. His eyes are bright, even if his face is pale with tiredness. Half of Harry wants to climb off him and tuck them both into bed, but half is already curious, already wound up from another day of watching Louis hang off the other boys and sending him heated looks from across busy backstage rooms. With Louis, it's a sure bet which half will always, always win.

Louis cocks an eyebrow at him, lips settling into a careful line, obviously trying his best not to laugh. Harry can only nod, though, "Again, yeah," and in the blink of an eye he's the one pinned to the mattress beneath Louis, breathless and eager.

"Was thinking," Louis says, looking down at him proudly, hands spread on Harry's pecs, thumbs slotting like they're meant to into the spaces of his rib cage on the curve of his muscles, fingers spreading out across the birds on his collarbones. "This time might try something a bit different, if you're up for it."

Harry can't quite catch his breath, and he has no delusions of doing so any time soon, with the way Louis is looking at him, the way there's weighty purpose in everything he says. "Have you been googling things again?" he asks, and although it's meant to be teasing, his voice is a bit too squeaky yet to sound anything but eager.

Louis rubs at his chest, moving his hands so he can run his thumbs in circles around Harry's nipples, palming at his pecs lightly. "Maybe," he nods. "I want to tie you up."

"Yes," Harry agrees straight away. Louis laughs, light and pretty, and Harry can feel himself flush. It's been a long time since he felt embarrassed around Louis, though- it's probably got to do with the way his hands fit over Harry's chest, the way his fingertips ghost over his nipples.

Clicking his tongue, Louis shakes his head, pinches at Harry's right nipple. "Didn't let me finish," he says, even though he'd clearly paused to hear Harry's reaction.

Nodding, Harry bites his lip, goes entirely still and quiet, even though he feels like he might buzz out of his skin.

Louis smiles at him, approving, and runs his hands down his chest to his sides, back up to his neck, squeezing lightly before moving into his hair, playing with the loose, floppy bits left after his latest cut. "Want to tie your hands above your head," he says, like he's thought about this in detail, "so you can't touch, keep them up at the headboard- I'd leave your legs alone if you think you could be good. I think you could."

"I could," Harry nods, nuzzling into Louis' hand in his hair. He's impatient, even though the build-up is just as good as the sex- Louis loves getting him wound up tight, bringing him to the edge before he's even touched Harry below the belt.

Louis licks his lips, closes his eyes for a second, focusing. "And I want- I want to fuck you. But with one of your vibrators."

Shuddering, Harry grins and nods. "Uh huh," he hums, a little delayed, a little fuzzy at the edges already.

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