you don't need to show me the way

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aaaand we're back to top louis because i just love top louis, enjoy!


We're all in this together, once we know that we are, we're all stars, and we see that we're all in this together...

Louis groans into his pillow and wonders if he's stuck in a really weird nightmare or if he's actually living out one. He doesn't have the strength to open his eyes and check, but he's sure it's late and he's (mostly) sure he's awake. Neither fact explains why he's hearing a vaguely familiar song from the bunk above his.

Together, together, together everyone. Together, together, come on, let's have some fun!

When Louis finally recognises it, his eyes snap open and his ears prick up. That is. That's definitely a song from High School Musical. Coming from Harry's bunk. Making it the best thing that's ever happened to Louis.

Automatically, five different plans to humiliate Harry form in his head. The most obvious one involves waking up the rest of the boys, for maximum embarrassment, but he's hesitant to do that. Firstly, because it'll be very irresponsible. It's been an exhausting day, and they have to set up for a show almost as soon as the bus reaches its destination. Even Louis' energy levels have been lagging, though he'll never admit it. He's on tour, on The X Factor tour, performing for audiences who love them even though they lost. It's fantastic.

The other reason he doesn't want to wake anyone else up is that humiliating Harry can go in one of two ways, and privacy could nudge the situation in the right direction. Suddenly energised, he scrubs his face and rolls to his feet, eyes adjusting quickly to the... light.

Looking around, he realises he's miscalculated completely. The bunk area is completely empty barring Harry and himself, and there's already morning light outside. The other boys must have already dragged themselves to the common area. Harry must have thought it was safe to listen to High School Musical.

Louis tiptoes over to the divider closing off the bunks and makes sure the curtain is drawn properly, then rounds back to Harry's bunk. His curtain is drawn as well, so Louis' extra careful to pull it back as slowly and quietly as he can, hoping that—yes, Harry's facing away, curled up with headphones stuck in his ears. He probably doesn't realise they're not plugged in his iPod properly. Louis can't take how perfectly this all worked out. He's quick to take the video, already envisioning the retweets that will make Harry blush and try to kill him.

Once he thinks he's got enough material, he tosses his phone to his own bunk and climbs up to Harry's. The only way to make himself known is to jump straight on top of Harry, elbowing his ribs hard enough that Harry yelps and nearly kicks Louis straight off the bunk. "Motherfucker, what the bloody fuck is happening—" Harry starts, and Louis' struck by three things at once.

One, Harry's morning voice is gruff as shit. Two, Harry's been wearing a face mask. Not a cheap one you'd get on an airplane, either, but a fancy dark blue one. The third thing that strikes him is Harry's fist. Well, it attempts to strike him. Harry's still too dazed to lift the sleep mask, so he's just flapping his hands around in confusion.

"Hazza, it's me, you lunatic," Louis says quickly, and sits his arse on Harry's thighs to stop him from flailing them both to the floor.

Harry settles instantly, and slowly lifts his sleep mask to his forehead, over his perfect-messy curls. Now, Louis' not one to give himself too much credit, but he thinks that as soon as Harry's assured it's Louis in his bunk, a soft smile spreads on his face and his glittering eyes look mostly amused. Louis can't help but smile back down at him.

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