is it okay?

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It started innocently enough.

It was just nail polish, a simple plain coat with baby blue on a few nails and a Pepto Bismol pink on the rest. Harry had come home from a day out with one of his girl friends, saying that she had wanted to get a manicure at the salon, and he'd decided to get one done too. Louis tried to hide the surprise on his face when he first saw the spots of color on the ends of Harry's long digits, trying to keep his face neutral as the boy showed them off. Harry asked if it was okay that his nails were painted, and of course it was okay with Louis. Anything his boyfriend did to make himself happy would be okay with him because he loved seeing Harry be his carefree self. If nail polish was the next phase of exploration for the lad, who was Louis to object?

Louis had completely forgotten about it until a few nights later when they were messing around on the couch, and he happened to look down and noticed Harry's painted nails again as the boy wrapped his fingers expertly around Louis' shaft. The two colors popped so vibrantly against the tan of their skin, and Louis couldn't peel his eyes away as Harry's hand worked up and down again and again.

Harry went to pull his hand away after a while, most likely to let his fingers wander across other parts of Louis' body, but Louis stopped him, taking the boy's hand in his and returning it to the hardness between his legs.

"Just jerk me, baby," Louis murmured lowly, eyes still glued to the color at the ends of Harry's fingers. "Make me cum like this." Harry happily obliged, always eager to do what Louis wanted. Louis' eyes grew heavy as the pleasure tingled in his belly, but he forced himself to keep them open, not wanting Harry's dainty little nails to disappear from his vision. Louis watched as Harry let one of his fingers drag lazily over the head of his dick, smearing a drop of precum over his skin, and Louis had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning loudly and giving away how much he was enjoying this.

"Again, baby," he said breathily, and Harry's delicate blue thumb slipped over Louis' tip once more.

"Like that?" Harry asked innocently, slightly curious as to why Louis was so insistent on finishing with a handy. Harry could think of several better ways to make Louis feel good, but if this is what his mate wanted, he would make it the best damn hand job he'd ever given.

"Yeah," Louis praised, bucking into Harry's grasp slightly. "Just like that, love." Harry brought his second hand over to continue his up and down tugs while the first slicked over Louis' cockhead as little dew droplets leaked from it.

Louis' breath hitched when Harry added his second hand, and even more of his pretty little polished nails came into view. He moaned low in his throat, reaching forward to stroke his finger down the length of Harry's thumb. How could someone's hands be so gorgeous and cute, especially doing something so scandalous?

Harry leaned over Louis' lap with an open mouth, slowly drooling until a long strand of his spit dripped down and coated Louis' dick. He increased his pace now that his palms were wet, and Louis felt his breath quicken as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from between Harry's colorful fingers. He couldn't believe how fast he was approaching his finish from just Harry's hands, as if he was a teen again. His stomach and groin tightened as his thighs shook, and he had to fight to keep his head upright instead of falling back against the sofa.

"Gonna cum, Hazza," he muttered just moments before his dick began pulsing, spurting hot streams across the backs of Harry's hands. Louis stared, wide eyed and open mouthed, as splotches of cum landed on Harry's nails, the paint becoming speckled with milky white in a sight that made Louis want to cum forever.

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