a little trouble never hurt nobody

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this one is a lot kinkier, it's a harry-centric ot5 orgy so if that's not something you're comfortable with feel free to skip past it, if you decide to indugle then enjoy you kinky fuckers ;)


It was a late Friday night. The TV was on low volume as Zayn casually flipped through the channels from his spot on the couch. Liam was next to him, making small comments here and there about the various channels he flipped past.

Louis was currently sprawled out on the reclining love seat. He felt a new form of relaxation and peace in his bones as Harry was cuddling up closer to him. They were safely snuggled under the warmth of a blanket that Louis thought smelt like forest pine.

Harry was half asleep on his shoulder. His pretty, dark hair was lightly tickling Louis' neck from this position. His pink lips were open, letting hot breath trace along Louis' skin as his breathing became slower and slower as time went on. Witnessing Harry fall asleep was something beautiful in itself.

They had been in this position for a little less than an hour. Honestly, Louis could sleep here if he wasn't so racked up about his crush sleeping on his shoulder and resting his weight against him.

If Louis was being honest with himself, he had always thought he was completely straight. But then this damn angel with his sweet-smelling curls and wide, green eyes and sinfully pink lips and soft, heavenly skin that Louis would die to touch properly walked into his life and changed everything.

It amazed Louis how he hadn't even known Harry, or any of the boys actually, for that long. But they were already getting more comfortable with each other. Staying at Harry's bungalow was a great decision, really.

The entire night had remained steadily peaceful. Zayn had finally settled on a random show about baking, and the room was quiet except for the TV and Harry's soft breathing against him.

Louis had little interest in the baking show that Zayn had picked. He found it much more entertaining to count every breath that left Harry's beautiful lips. Even while sleeping, Harry held Louis' undivided attention.

There was no word to describe the glow of Harry's beauty. He was gorgeous. From early on, Louis saw Harry and his pretty smile that could light up the whole room. His eyes were shining with light, and they seemed even brighter in the times when Louis was near him. Louis told himself daily that Harry really did like him back. It helped his confidence anyway.

The thing was, Louis knew he held his own in the band. The other boys loved Louis. It made him laugh the way Niall simply lost it over his sense of humor. Louis fed off the look Harry gave him, the one where he stared at Louis like he was a royal.

Louis was encouraged to keep up his sense of humor every time he heard a sweet, high-pitched giggle from Harry, which always got his baby face to turn a new shade of pink. Louis was very confident, to an extent. But with Harry, it was completely different. Louis didn't deserve Harry.

It was simple: Harry had a gorgeous voice and a gorgeous face. Louis felt like he didn't deserve an angel that seemingly caught the eye of everyone in the room.

That's how he caught Louis' eye anyway. In one fleeting glance at the 16-year-old, Louis remembers thinking to himself, oh God, I'm going to fall in love at 18. And even in their little time together, Louis still swore he was in love.

Zayn, Liam, and Niall seemed to know immediately that there was something between Harry and Louis. They were just close, not just physically, but they already understood each other so easily and they fell together like puzzle pieces. Louis knew Harry like the back of his hand. It killed him every day to not know how Harry felt.

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