'cause lately i've been craving more

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i feel like giving y'all lots of smut tonight so enjoy the next few chapters!


Harry had plenty of kinks. That was something Louis knew from the beginning.

He started out as a shy, little, 16 year old virgin who was scared to death to ask Louis to tie him up with his suspenders before fucking him, all the way to a beautiful, confident, and not-so-little 20 year old who freely wore panties during their concerts before riding Louis the rest of the night.

Harry had days, or even weeks, where all he would want is to be tied up with rope every night or even furry handcuffs while Louis fucked him into next week. Other times, he would wear those god damn pink lace panties just to taunt Louis. Sometimes, usually between the dates of December 24th and January 31st, or the time when there's a 3 year age gap between them, Harry would call Louis "daddy" constantly. Even in front of the other boys.

Those were the times when Harry got spanked in his pretty pink panties.

So all in all, whether bondage, pet names, or lingerie, Harry's kinks had definitely added up over their 4 years of being together.

But their favorite kink was actually discovered on accident.

Louis had been stuck in Paris with Eleanor while Harry was in London. After a long day of shopping and pretending to be in love (and straight), Louis decided to FaceTime Harry, as he knew his boy was missing him. And the feeling was definitely mutual.

When Harry had answered the phone with his usual perky self, grinning happily at the sight of his boyfriend, Louis had greeted him with the simplest word of "bonjour!"

It all went down hill from there.

Harry grew more flushed and shaky as their conversation continued. Louis, although slow to catch on, realized Harry was simply horny. Just as he had prepared to have dirty FaceTime sex and watch Harry stick 3 fingers up his arse, that's when Harry decided to confess that he actually got even more turned on by Louis greeting him in French.

Their FaceTime conversation quickly turned into Louis speaking French while he watched Harry finger himself from where his phone was propped up on his laptop so he could use Google translate to speak to him.

After watching Harry come twice from his hot, French words, and after they said a rather painful goodbye, Louis spent the entire night learning and memorizing basic French words, simply to please Harry.

Now, months later, Louis had spent loads of money on learning French for Harry's pleasure. He used websites online and even bought books. Although he might have just learned the basic words and skipped several lessons just so he could find the most sexual sounding or the most dirty words.

He went awhile without any of the boys, besides Harry, of course, knowing his secret knowledge of the French language. It wasn't until he was high out of his mind with Zayn one night on tour that it slipped. He ended up confessing that he loved speaking French while eating Harry out. And, well, he wasn't exactly lying.

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