ass against the glass

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this ones a lil kinky ;) enjoy!


Harry leans back in the arm chair with a sigh, a glass of red wine sitting loosely between his fingers as he gazes out the large wall window.

The sky is pitch black but the city glows with lights, people and yellow cabs moving around like little specks from the high view.

Harry sets his wine glass down on the floor, feeling frustrated that the people out there were having fun while he was alone in his apartment tonight, since Louis was out late for work yet again.

He bites his lip, toying with knot on his silky black robe as he thinks.

Why not have some fun alone, it's not like Louis would know anyways.

Harry rolls his eyes at that thought, knowing Louis loves to have control during sex and would totally lose it if Harry had any fun on his own. And although Harry loves giving up control, he also loves being an absolute brat.

So like the spoiled brat he is, he stands up and struts over to his bedroom and straight to the grand walk in closet. He walks past the endless ironed sets of suits that hang from Louis's expansive closet and straight to the back where the black dresser is.

The black dresser, full of all the pretty things Louis likes to buy for Harry. Blindfolds, handcuffs, the necessities, and of course Harry's personal favourite, vibrators. Specifically his special pink one, probably the one thing that doesn't match the dark tones of the minimalist apartment.

He finds it amongst the other organized toys and grabs two new packs of lube and a cock ring for good measure.

He eagerly slides across the dark wood floors into the living room with the open glass window, sitting right back down on the arm chair. He knew Louis was somewhere amongst the other New Yorkers roaming through the city, so might as well give a show through the large glass window.

He slips the knot on his robe loose, letting the silk material fall from his arms and cloak the chair. His bare skin tingled from the cool air and the feeling that he was exposed for anyone to see— to look up and narrow their eyes just enough to see his lean and naked figure draped across the arm chair.

He slides the cock ring on, biting his lip as the cool metal presses against him. He could already feel his cock start to stiffen as he loosely stroked it a few times with a lubed hand.

Then he slides his hand lower until his fingers graze against his tight hole. He sucks in a breath as he pushes one finger in, wet with lube.

"Fuck." He gasps, slowly teasing it in and out to loosen up his hole. It takes a moment before he can press one more, and then another. Before he knows it there's sweat gleaming on his body and his cock is painfully hard from fingering himself.

His chest rises and falls a little more quickly as he slips his fingers out and reaches for the vibrator. He presses the small button, the soft buzzing alone making his stomach tighten with anticipation.

He could just imagine how angry Louis would be to find him like this, slowly becoming a mess without Louis there to control, to bring Harry to his climax.

His pours a generous amount of lube on the vibrator before tossing the empty packet on the dark wood floors with a soft patter. Another thing that would drive Louis crazy, so crazy he would fuck Harry mercilessly to an endless orgasm with a hand gripped on Harry's throat.

Just what Harry wants.

Harry moans at that thought, pressing the tip of the vibrator to his rim and sinking further into the chair. The vibrations consumed his body as he pushed it deeper, feeling a building pressure in his lower stomach.

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