don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me)

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Harry stares at the front door of his house, vision blurry from alcohol and the bright light posted above the front door, glaring harshly down on him. He's misplaced his keys and he doesn't know if he left them here before he went out or if he somehow lost them at the club he went to. He's hoping they're inside the house because if he's lost another set of keys Louis is going to kill him.

"What's the problem, bub?" Harry jumps at Nick's loud voice, having forgotten he wasn't alone. Nick had taken the pleasure in walking him up to his doorstep because, well, he doesn't like to say goodbye until he absolutely has to.

"Can't find my keys," Harry answers, sighing and scrubbing a hand over his face.

"Well, just knock on the door. I'm sure that boyfriend of yours is still up."

"Yeah, okay." Harry knocks once, twice, three times on the door before he realizes they have a doorbell. He presses it about five times quickly, knowing it'll irritate Louis and he giggles to himself.

"For fucks sake," Louis' highly accented voice grows closer to the door and Harry smiles a little, ready to see his boyfriend after a long night out.

The door swings open and there he is, in all of his shirtless and tattooed glory. Harry licks his lips.

"Lou," Harry greets, immediately taking a step forward and reaching for Louis. Louis looks a little irritated, eyes slightly red and his hair a little wild with his scruff covering his face. Harry thinks he looks hotter than anything he's ever seen before and he feels so giddy with pride that Louis is HIS.

Louis wraps an arm around Harry's slim figure and pulls him tight to his side, fingers digging into the softness of Harry's waist that he loves so much.

"Baby," Louis replies, voice rough like gravel but smooth like honey. Harry melts a little and feels tingles sizzle through his lax body.

Louis catches sight of Nick, finally noticing that he's here too, and he barely attempts to hide his distaste.

"Nice to see you too, Louis," Nick says sarcastically, eyes rolling.

Louis raises his lip in a silent snarl and pulls Harry closer. "Huh, yeah, thanks for getting him home. I'll take it from here."

Nick begins to say something else, which neither Louis or Harry could give two shits about, but then Louis is pressing his hand into Harry's lower back and holding him tight to his front, his other hand coming around to hold the back of Harry's neck before he's kissing him roughly, just the way he knows Harry likes. He slides his tongue into Harry's mouth, tasting him for the first time in hours. He's missed the taste of Harry; no matter how much he gets of him it's never enough and he always wants more.

He sucks on his tongue a little, hand tightening on Harry's neck. Harry's hand comes up and gently cups the side of Louis' face, the rough hair prickling his soft palm, making Harry think of where he wants to feel that prickling the most. Louis bites Harry's bottom lip, making a delicious, filthy whimper escape his pretty mouth.

Louis pulls back and pecks Harry's bright pink, luscious lips once more, relishing in the way Harry's eyes have gone glassy and he's frowning from loss of contact. Louis looks back at Nick and raises an eyebrow.

"Staring is really rude, you know." He gently moves Harry further inside, Harry following easily.

"I wasn't—"

"Yeah, whatever," Louis rolls his eyes and slams the door shut in his face. He's had enough of Nick to last him a lifetime and he simply cannot fathom why Harry chooses to hang out with him.

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