when i'm lost i feel so very found

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this one is an mpreg!!! so if that's not your cup of tea i suggest you skip over this one. a lot more fluff but there definitely is smut, enjoy :)


{Harry's perspective}

It was Harry's first official week of summer break and he had never felt such a relief. He was 22 years old and only had one semester left before graduating with a degree in photography at a university in London. Harry had always dreamed of becoming a professional photographer and he was excited to live it out.

It was Monday and Harry hadn't left his flat since he went home from his last exam on Friday. He slept all weekend, drank some wine that Ed had left and watched mindless TV. Everything was quiet and perfect.

Ed, Harry's flatmate, whom he had known since they were in the university dorms during freshman year, was currently away to visit his family for a couple weeks. Harry would probably be doing the same if his mum and stepdad hadn't decided to take a 3 week vacation over his finals week, something that Harry was still bitter about.

He was on the phone with his mum while he was reading a celebrity magazine that he had gotten the week prior. He was causally flipping through it, using one hand to flip the pages and the other to hold the phone to his ear. He was only half listening to his mum ramble about how wonderful their trip to Australia was so far. He was only slightly jealous. Harry was bypassing the time of his mum's rambling with some news of celebrity gossip.

"-but, besides that, things are going great," Harry vaguely heard his mum say. "You still there?"

"Yeah, mum," Harry replied, even though he was more focused on reading about how rising actor Louis Tomlinson would start filming a new movie this year. The movie, Fool's Gold, was already predicted to break box office records. Harry first noticed how fit the 26 year old man was after he starred in a drama movie two years ago called
Walking in the Wind. Louis came out as gay a few months after the movie came out and Harry had had a small crush on the man ever since.

"Ah, all right, well-" Harry's mum continued on to talk about their hotel. Harry hummed occasionally and continued flipped through his magazine.

Suddenly, a beep came from Harry's phone. He looked down to see an incoming call from Liam Payne. He scrunched up his face in immediate confusion, since him and Liam hadn't spoken since early in the semester.

"Hey- um, mum, I gotta go. Someone is trying to call me now," Harry stumbled. "I love you, I'll call you next week, bye."

Harry didn't wait for a response before he pressed the button to end the call and answer the incoming one.

"Hello?" Harry flipped the page in his magazine.

"Haz!" Liam's voice sounded excited. "How are you?"

Harry squinted in confusion. "I'm good, yeah, things are good. Done with finals," he answered calmly. "How are things in LA?"

"Amazing," Liam's deep voice was littered in an underlying excitement. "It's more than I ever dreamed of."

"Good, that's good," Harry was paying more attention to their call than to the magazine now.

It was silent for a few moments and now Harry was definitely confused.

Harry first met Liam in his first full time year of uni. They had biology together, and Liam was the main reason that Harry passed with a decent grade. Liam was older and he was really the first one to show Harry how things worked at the uni.

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