such an eager slut

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Harry was a tease; there was no other way to describe it. He knew Louis' weaknesses and used them to his advantage, especially how jealous Louis was. It all started with Nick Grimshaw. Louis had never liked him, even from the start. The first time they met Louis was unimpressed with his pretentious demeanor and obnoxious personality. Still, Louis managed to tolerate the lad without too much complaint until Louis saw Nick around his boyfriend. Nick knew Louis and Harry were in a committed relationship, and he knew they were exclusive. However, that didn't stop the little prick from flirting with Harry every chance he got. Nick looked at Harry like he was a piece of meat and Louis didn't like it one bit. Harry wasn't a sexual object. And okay maybe Louis was a little possessive but that wasn't the point. The point was Harry was HIS and Louis would make it his business to make sure Grimshaw knew that as well. Louis hoped Nick would get the hint, but it didn't help that Harry seemed to encourage it. Whenever Nick got a little too touchy with Harry, instead of pushing him off or reminding him that Harry was happily taken, Harry just laughed. It was almost like Harry enjoyed it. It was a huge irritation to Louis, and Harry knew that.

In the last few weeks the situation had gotten worse. Harry and Nick had been spending a lot more time together, much to Louis' disapproval. Harry always gushed about "how great Nick was" and it was always Nick this and Nick that. So Louis was about at his breaking point when Nick's party came around. Louis didn't want to go, but Harry insisted. "C'mon Lou, all the boys are going, it'll be fun." Plus Louis really didn't want Harry going to Nick Grimshaws party by himself. So, Louis found himself leaning against a wall, barley engaged in a half assed conversation while he scanned the room for his giddy boyfriend who had ran off somewhere, probably with Nick. Louis was not a happy camper, he was in Nick Grimshaws house with blaring music that made his ears ring, cheap liquor that burned his throat, and his boyfriend nowhere to be found.

"Oi mate have you seen Harry?" Louis asked when he saw Niall make his way through the crowd of people. Niall had a slight smirk on his face that Louis wanted to slap off as he answered with a shrug, "Think he went to go dance". Louis huffed out a breath and muttered thanks before finishing his beer as he scanned the crowd of moving bodies for Harry.

Louis' eyes wandered past barley tipsy girls sipping at their drinks, drunken men making fools out of themselves at the bar, groups of friends dancing drunkenly to the music, until his eyes finally landed on Harry. Louis couldn't believe it; he had to blink a few times to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. But no, Harry really did have his back pressed against Nick's crotch. Harry was moving his hips back Nick's to the music as Nick ran his hands up and down Harry's body eagerly. Louis couldn't believe it; his boyfriend was grinding on another guy, and not just any guy, Nick fucking Grimshaw. Louis' glare was not only fixed on the way Harry's hips were moving on Nicks', but also how Nick's hands were roaming up and down HIS Harry's body. Louis was the only one allowed to touch Harry like that, or even think of touching him like that for that matter. Yet, Nick was doing it freely, where anyone could see. Any random party goer would assume that Harry and Nick were the couple. And that was not okay with Louis.

Louis was about to stomp right over to the two and tear them away from each other right then and there but then it occurred to Louis what was going on. It was Harry's little game again. Harry had told Louis on countless occasions that he "looked sexy when he was angry" and Harry knew Louis became rough in bed when he was jealous. With that in mind, it wasn't surprising that Harry had devised his "plan to make Louis jealous" with the all too willing Nicholas Grimshaw. Harry was trying to test Louis, push his buttons and see how far he could play before Louis snapped and responded in the way Harry wanted. Although Louis was not the slightest bit amused or thrilled with the idea of having to watch his boyfriend dance on another man, he leaned back on the wall with a sigh. "Alright Harry, let's play." Louis mumbled to himself. He didn't know why he didn't stop it right there. But he secretly did. He wanted an excuse to dominate Harry just as much as Harry wanted an excuse to be fucked roughly.

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