buzzing in my veins

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"C'mere," Louis says as he settles back against their headboard, gesturing towards Harry who's stood at the end of the bed, hand fluttering toward his cock. Eagerly, he climbs up, sliding in between Louis' legs and resting his back against his chest. He lets his head fall back into Louis' neck. Louis runs his hands down Harry's sides and to his inner thighs, pulling his legs apart so his feet are outside of Louis' knees. Harry looks down at himself, whimpering, digging his fingers into the sheets. Louis kisses his forehead. "This good?"

Harry nods, moving his hands to Louis' thighs, kneading at them. "Yeah, I'm comfy,"

"Good," Louis says and kisses him again, smoothing his hands down Harry's arms and over his chest, rubbing at his nipples.

"Um," Harry says, cautious. "Can--can I--"

"Yeah babe, go ahead," Louis says, "made you wait long enough." Harry sighs gratefully and trails a hand down his stomach, his inner thighs, past his cock to play with his balls. Louis just watches him, kissing his temple of forehead or the space below his ear periodically, running his hands all over his hot skin.

Harry makes a small noise as he wraps a hand around his cock, stroking slowly, but Louis can tell he needs it faster, but isn't because he wants to take this slow so it will last. He tightens his grip, still lazy with it, swiping a thumb over the slit.

Louis mouths at his throat, sucking a gentle bruise into his skin. Harry whines and pushes his hips up into his hand. "There you go," Louis praises into Harry'c collarbone. "Do it how you want it. I know you need it so bad."

Harry whimpers and nods, still kneading at Louis' thigh with his other hand. Louis made sure Harry sucked him off beforehand so Harry could take his time and not worry about him, but Harry gets so hot whenever he blows Louis that he's almost embarrassingly needy, but he was good, didn't touch himself when he had Louis' cock in his mouth, so he has a right to be.

"Yeah?" Louis murmurs, threading a finger through Harry's hair. "Need it bad, don't you?"
"Y-yeah, Lou, got--got really hard from sucking you," Harry breathes, bucking his hips shallowly into his fist.

"I know, baby," Louis purrs, "I know you did, always do. You're amazing, love sucking cock."
Harry whines and begins to pump faster, nodding. "Yeah, I do, I do, a lot,"
Louis soothes him, brushing his hair away from his face. "I know, you're so good at it. So fucking good."

Harry snakes his other hand between his legs and massages his balls, quickening his strokes. He lets out a shaky breath when he squeezes his cock, feeling the hot shape of Louis' chest curved around his back, his lips in his hair, on his skin. "I'm good, Lou, I'm good?"

Louis brushes his nose against Harry's curls, kissing his hair. "So good, so good with you mouth."
Harry makes a weak little "oh," and shifts back into Louis, now stroking himself so fast Louis can hear the slick sound of skin on skin. He kisses Harry's shoulder, rubbing down his arm. "Look beautiful when you get yourself off for me, love," Louis says into his skin. "Love watching you."

"Oh, Lou--" Harry squeaks and grinds his hips, gasping out. "Lou, I want, really want--"

"I can't help you baby, thats the rule." Louis reminds him softly, kissing his neck. "Want you to," Harry whines, chewing on his bottom lip. "Want you to make me feel good." 

"I know angel, but this is good too, yeah? You like when you get to show me how good you can make yourself feel."

"Yeah, yeah," Harry pants, moving his hand lower to press against his entrance. Louis makes a soothing noise in his throat. He rubs at Harry's nipples again, rolling them between his fingers and pinching lightly. Harry squirms, wiggling his hips, grinding up into his fist. "Its good," he repeats.

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