hop hop hop

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here's some pet play although not cat ears ;) enjoy!


The moment he sees his face, Louis knows something is up.

Harry's smiling that special grin of his; the one where he tries to seem all innocent but fails miserably because he's an open book. It's clear his intentions are anything but faux innocence as he approaches Louis with a twinkle in his eyes, lips twisted in a coy manner. Louis can't help the fond smile that overtakes him at the sight though. As much as he resented it sometimes, he was an open book too when it came to Harry.

In a matter of seconds, his intuition is proven correct. Harry reveals a set of bunny ears; white, with a pink lining. Louis recalls seeing them on his head earlier that night, and he should've guessed that this was what Harry was planning on doing with them based on the way he pounced around onstage throughout the show, sending Louis subtle glances every now and then.

Louis rolls his eyes as he realizes what Harry's allusive smile was all about, but guffaws nonetheless when his most ridiculous boyfriend wiggles his eyebrows at him suggestively.

"Harry," he laughs. "Seriously? Bunny ears? You're so kinky I swear to God."

Harry merely continues to smile as he plops his headgear on, hair still in a bun from the concert. He's utterly gorgeous, with his sweet dimples and bright eyes and flushed cheeks. Louis wants to ravish him. And he will.

"Couldn't help it," he shrugs as he turns around. Louis' gaze drops to his bum, and he feels his mouth dry up as he traces the curve of Harry's body. Louis loves the contrast between the broadness of his shoulders and the slimness of his waist. It's always mesmerizing to compare the swell of Harry's little bum stretching to fit Louis every time he fucks into him to the width of his shoulders. "Especially when I started imagining riding you with them on."

Suddenly, Harry's slipping down his jeans, and Louis gasps as he's met with a very unexpected but delicious sight. A mass of fur nestles between Harry's cheeks, matching with the pink of the inner part of his bunny ears. They've used this plug before—Louis recognizes it; it's smooth, and a good size, not too big or wide—but he hadn't even known that Harry had brought it along with them on tour.

He can't look away as Harry bends down then, further revealing himself and the object he's clearly been working on inserting into himself for the past ten minutes. Louis no longer wonders why it took the younger boy so long to join him in their shared hotel room.

"Harry," he groans, head falling back on the couch he was lying on. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Fuck me," Harry merely giggles, shaking his bum teasingly in reply. Louis takes it upon himself to slap at his round mass of flesh in retaliation.

"You're such a naughty rabbit," he growls, twisting at the butt plug and smirking at Harry's gasp. The younger boy's knees buckle and Louis grabs at his waist, all the while continuing to push at his bunny tail. "Opening yourself sneakily and having the nerve to tease your Daddy after."

"D—Daddy," Harry pants when Louis pulls at the plug, a squelch sounding as his hole fights against the tug. "Please. Don't stop."

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