redder than the devil

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Honestly, Harry's not trying to act out. He certainly enjoys a good FIFA match as much as the next person, but it admittedly gets a little monotonous for anyone by hour 5. Still, he's spending the day with Louis, so he loves anything they do together - and that includes faking interest in Louis' FIFA team selection.

They've been camped out in bed for the entire afternoon, surrounded by bags of crisps and empty takeaway containers. It's a miracle they'd even gotten dressed in the first place, considering they've barely moved since they woke up. Don't get him wrong - this had been lovely at first. Focusing on a video game and his boyfriend was exactly what Harry had needed after a long week. Now, though... Harry frankly has other things on his mind.

He's tried the subtle approach, wordlessly asking for a kiss after Louis won the fourteenth match in a row. Tragically, the peck he'd gotten hadn't turned into something deeper. Hell, he'd even tried asking outright to suck Louis off - something Louis rarely says no to - but all he'd given him was a grin and a murmured "Later".

Now it's half past 9, and all Harry wants is for Louis to touch him. Preferably after a good spanking.

"Lou," he murmurs, his controller forgotten in his lap as Louis checks the stats on his new player.

"Yeah, baby?" Louis responds, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Harry sighs dramatically, staring wistfully out the window at the darkened streets below their flat. It's just not fair - Louis isn't even trying, and he's still got Harry desperate to be ruined. Jesus, he's wearing ratty jogger shorts and an old stained t-shirt, but he still looks so Daddy that Harry doesn't even think twice about bringing out the big guns.

"Daddy," He sulks, jutting out his bottom lip in a pout. The corner of Louis' mouth quirks into the shadow of a smirk, but he continues scrolling through his team lineup. "Daddy," Harry tries again, whinier and more insistent this time.

Louis just shakes his head, narrowing his eyes in concentration. "Be good and I'll let you suck me off later."

Harry huffs in annoyance and crosses his arms, but Louis turns to regard him with a stern glance, so Harry moves his gaze sheepishly to the floor. A few minutes pass in a mix of mild irritation and severe horniness, and Harry decides to just lay all his cards on the table. He presses a quick kiss to Louis' shoulder and murmurs, "Be back in a sec," before racing upstairs to their spare bedroom.

It takes only a moment because he knows exactly what he's looking for. Over the years, Harry's amassed a fairly large collection of panties. It started out as a whispered confession, when Harry was 17 and mumbled to Louis that the lace makes him feel pretty. Now, it's blossomed into an entire dresser drawer full of panties. Some of them he has just because they're comfortable, but most of them are here because they make him feel sexy and pretty like nothing else can. He loves wearing them, and Louis loves seeing him in them, so it's the best kind of win-win situation.

Heart skipping a beat, Harry slides open the top dresser drawer and fishes through the piles of silk and lace. There's a few pairs he lovingly refers to as "spank-me panties" because they're cut in just the right way - they make his ass look amazing, and Louis usually can't resist ruining him when Harry's got them on.

He selects the light pink lacy pair, then shimmies out of his jeans and pulls the panties on, admiring the way his half-chub stretches the front of them. He contemplates going back downstairs in just these, but it's even more delicious when Louis doesn't know what Harry's hiding underneath his clothes, so he tugs his jeans back on.

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