my omega, my alpha

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Harry blinks his eyes open as he slowly awakens from his nap. He glances around the room groggily before taking a glimpse at his alarm clock. He becomes more alert when he realizes the clock reads 18:26.

Oh shit! I gotta get ready before Niall comes. He'll have my head if he finds out I'm not ready yet.

When Harry rises out of bed, he stumbles a bit and realizes how warm he is. He remembers taking his supressants that morning with his breakfast, so it couldn't have been his heat.

He enters the bathroom and strips himself of his underwear.

I hope I can find myself an alpha today. Harry thinks to himself as he turns the shower on.

Why do I feel so warm? Harry questions himself. Maybe I'm coming down with something. My head does feel a bit foggy.

As Harry waits for the shower water to heat up to the right temperature, he notices how horny he was feeling.

Well, it's been a while since I've gotten any. In fact, it's been a while since I've even gotten off.

Harry steps in the shower, and moans at the relaxing feeling of the water hitting his body. Harry feels himself rise to full hardness, and a bit of slick leak out of his hole. He needs friction, and he needs it now.

Harry wraps his hand around his cock and sucks in a sharp breath.

"Fuck." Harry moans as he strokes himself a couple of times. He tilts his head back, and lets his mouth hang open.

"Oh God. Mmph.." Harry doesn't hold back on his moans and whimpers as he picks up his pace. It's not like he could hold them in anyway. He needs more. He could feel his slick trickling out his hole at a more steady pace and decides to add his fingers.

Harry removes his hand from his cock and whines at the loss of contact. He leans foward and places his hand on the wall. He then lifts his right leg to place his foot on the little shelf in the shower stall.

Harry reaches back with his right hand, and moans high in his throat as his fingertips tease his clenching hole. His fingers are soon covered with slick, and he takes no time to insert his middle finger until he reaches his knuckle.

The angle is a bit awkward, and he wouldn't be able to reach that glorious spot within him, but he could work with what he has. He pumps his finger in and out at a steady pace, whimpering as he does so.

No. Not enough. More. More. More. Harry's thoughts cloud his mind as he inserts both his ring and index finger. The stretch stings a bit, but he loves the sting of being stretched. The slick helps a great amount, considering how fast he's fingering himself.

"Oh f-fuck, Daddy..." Harry gasps as he crooks his fingers, massaging his velvety walls. Yeah, he has a bit of a daddy kink, but can you blame him? Daddy kink is hot as fuck.

Harry soon lets his imagination run wild with some of his deepest desires. He imagines himself being impaled on an alpha's fat cock. He'd be wimpering as his alpha slid into him deliberately slow, teasing him with what's to come.

"More, more. P-please a-mmph-alpha please I-I need more!" Harry imagines himself begging for more of his alpha's delicious cock. He knows he would do it. There's no denying it.

He then imagines his alpha pulling out the little he's put in, and thrusting all the way in on one deep stroke. Harry moans out loud at how close he is as he continues to imagine himself being taken doggy style with grips on his hips strong enough to bruise.

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