raindrops on roses

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When Harry first used the word, he'd been 18. It was hot and new and it drove his boyfriend crazy. They didn't use the kink often at first, not until Harry realized more and more how their sex was so much better when he did use the word. Louis became more controlling, more dominant, more rough with him but at the same time softer and a lot more caring and protective. Harry loved everything that entailed calling Louis 'daddy' so it shouldn't have been too much of a surprise when a year later, Harry unintentionally let it slip in the toy aisle of the shop they were skirting through.

"What?" Louis asks, surprise in his tone but keeping a calm front. He knows what he heard but this is something he really needs to make sure he heard right. Harry's cheeks flushed pink by this point and he freezes, hands tight on the stuffed dog he's holding.

"No-nothing nothing," Harry breathes out quickly, his curls moving with the quick shake of his head. Louis stares at him for a second longer then reaches out to take his hand.

"What is it baby?" he says this time, softer and kinder, a tone meant to make Harry feel safe. It's a tone he only uses in bed, when his hands create gentle touches and lips alight every inch of Harry's skin. When they've got hours to themselves and Louis spends every second of it taking Harry apart piece by piece, not missing one bit. Harry swallows thickly and Louis can almost hear how hard his heart is beating.

"Said– I asked...," he tries, tripping over his words helplessly. Louis moves his hand up to his elbow, rubbing his bare arm soothingly. It relaxes Harry, Louis knows that. "Could I have it, daddy?" Harry finally repeats, eyes wider out of a slight fear. He never uses it anywhere except when they're in bed, or a few times in a text message. But this was completely new territory. Louis' breath hitches and despite his being taken aback, he smiles sweetly. Harry swallows thickly when Louis leans in to give his cheek a quick peck.

"Of course baby," Louis says, rubbing his arm once again and looking him in the eyes to let him know that it's okay, that there's nothing wrong with it. Harry nervously returns the smile and watches as Louis turns his back on him to continue down the aisle. They don't bring it up and it takes a few days for Harry to go back to normal. There's nothing different between them, except Harry's new fascination with the stuffed dog Louis bought him. He calls it Rex, because it was the first thing that came to mind and because it was simple, just like the plain, chestnut colored dog. It's not until Harry begins to get more comfortable and starts bringing it along with him out of their bedroom that it's all brought back again. Louis finds him cuddled up on the couch one night, only a small pair of white boxer briefs on and a blanket around his shoulders, Rex secure between his arms. He's sitting up watching a movie in the darkness, petting the stuffed animal.

"Harry, love?" Louis speaks as he walks into the living room from the bedroom. He's been closed in doing homework and Harry decided he'd leave him alone for the night since he didn't have work to do himself.

"Yeah daddy?" Harry mumbles, eyes not leaving the screen until after the words have left his mouth. They both freeze simultaneously and it takes a second before Louis can break the sudden silence. Harry's so thankful that he doesn't question him this time.

"It's late come to bed," Louis says, a strain to his voice. Harry looks up at him with wide eyes and swallows. He nods afterwards and scrambles to get up before he realizes he's moving too fast.

"Yeah okay," he says casually, and if Louis didn't know him well enough to be able to tell he was trying to seem casual, then Harry would have thought he did a good job. With Rex in one arm and his blanket in the other, he turns the tv off and follows Louis to the bedroom. After that, it's impossible to go back to normal. Harry finds himself both subconsciously and purposely repeating the word. When Louis makes them dinner, Harry gives him an appreciative, 'Thanks daddy.' When they're at Louis' sister's birthday party and Louis refuses to let him have a third slice of cake, Harry's whining a, 'Please just one more daddy.' It's when they're in the shower and Louis takes it upon himself to wash Harry's hair for him and he's letting out little appreciative phrases along the lines of, 'That's really good daddy' that Louis realizes it's a pattern. Harry says it when Louis is being softer or taking care of him in a way. Harry feels little so he acts little.

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