need a little sweetness in my life

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this one is a part 2 to 'into another serotonin flow' so, enjoy!


Harry's imagined his first year of university a hundred thousand different ways. He's pictured himself as the 4.0 student, as the theater kid, as the lazy dropout - even as the guy who surprises everyone and joins a frat. Somehow, though, he's never imagined he'd be cheering on the sidelines of the season's last football game, wearing star footballer Louis Tomlinson's too-short jersey and a flower crown. Halfway through October, that's exactly where he finds himself.

It's not only that, though, because somehow, some way, by some miracle of the universe - he's Louis Tomlinson's boyfriend . Jesus Christ, Harry actually lives in a world where he and Louis have been together for almost a full year. A whole year's passed since Harry accidentally found Louis' vibrator, and Louis accidentally found Harry's pain kink. Then, they'd accidentally found each other.

It's been a whirlwind since they got together, but Harry's never been happier. He keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to irreversibly fuck up, or to be too awkward and clumsy, but it doesn't happen. He just keeps getting happier .

Near the end of senior year, Louis got a full sports scholarship to play football at the same school Harry'd been secretly eyeing up for months. A few weeks later, Harry had gotten in on an arts scholarship to study photography, just like he'd always wanted. His portfolio, of course, ended up being filled with pictures of Louis. As per Mr. Corden's recommendation, the star photos were the ones he took of Louis that fateful day one year prior. At his portfolio review, the dean of the whole bloody university had commented on the "serene expression" he was able to achieve in his subject's eyes - Harry hasn't let Louis live that one down since.

In the stands, the crowd erupts into panicked shrieks. This is the final game of the season, and their university is tied with the opposing team with half a minute on the clock. It's been a nail-biter the whole way through; Harry's been cheering for absolute ages - so loud he knows he'll lose his voice tomorrow, but he doesn't care. Anything for his boy.

Louis has been incredible, as per usual - running like the wind and making goal after goal. He's practically carrying the team by himself, since the captain was injured near the beginning of the first quarter. Now, though, it's too close to call.

On the field, Louis races toward the goal as the seconds tick down. He just has to get close enough to make a hail-Mary kick, but a player from the other team is quickly gaining on him. He's a blur of red and white stripes, a flash of brunette hair, as he puts on a burst of speed and kicks the ball straight past the goalkeeper and into the net, right as the buzzer signifies the end of the game.

The crowd absolutely dissolves - the screams are fucking deafening, and the other players on the field start a dog-pile on top of Louis, who's buried in a chaotic mix of hugs and yells of joy. Harry jumps around, shrieking happily and hugging every stranger he can get his hands on. He knows his flower crown's halfway off his head - probably looks proper ridiculous - but self-consciousness is lost in a flood of, "That's my boyfriend!! His name is Louis!! Number 28 is my boyfriend!".

It's a nightmare trying to get both teams in order to shake hands without the crowd storming the field, but they eventually make it work. Harry barely catches a glimpse of Louis' grinning face through the mass of people on the way to the locker rooms, but they lock eyes long enough for Louis to blow him a kiss before he disappears behind the doors. It's bloody freezing outside, except Harry feels ridiculously warm. He knows he's the only one who gets to have the star football player in his bed tonight.

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